1. EDDY EPSTEIN playing the Greg Concerto. With J ohn Marshall High School, rch~estra aft Maishall. High SchOcil. Wedn6sday Evening. December Ist, 8:-00 pm 2. HENRY QAKES, JR. Pano Recfai. 3. GROUIP 0F STUDENTS in a Concerto P.rogrrnm. 4. MILDRED. STEIN. PiaflQ -Redtet. .5. A PROG'RAM of the Old endl New -Masters. Given by.students. 6. -EDDY EPSTEIN. Pano Recital. (J.eft ta righi, first row) .Iarcia Sgiih. Alice White, Margaret Stoet.zei, .lariamia KoPPr, A lie Liasnson. tznd Ca roi Johnson. (Second rozw')- ort ha Janie.Ilarshatw, Jiiie, ' lYber-th.v, llbt Driui, Jean Klecknier, and Rosa- i. nd Pierdy, --------------- hI'ie girls in the accortialivfg. 31 in< l charge of the banking end of the busi- arc theil u1nihers (f the Neu, Trier nes:. and alwavs lhaniles the monev box ; lru'4.('41b boaî1 in Cio)-pv)r- at the. vaJous affirs wfrere, moncy is tt i4 m i îvth 1 qqimtvý t1r varî-is C mite ollected. sp<>IIsir a grvat mnnîer of theati- Rosanumd Purdy, the presidetit, is the ticý oi iche lb. \Ma-rcia Smx1tith defli-it- general director of ail activities spo-i- C1lai clairinan. lia,, hciî fori < he ast ored' by the club; she works ini con- it-\ v ek, ruii ng iithe sale ofni d.îg ectiomn %vitl MNiss Lulu \Vrighit, faculty and1 po.p at the 1f.ootball gatiine. Tts ponsor and nieniber of the lSnglislh d- sale. hae u:tte<l the club a total 44<t 1artietit. $2M, $()0 bceng made on >a rucent, Sauvl.Maci wiIalo Wpto(lreiIris Expert Wili Speak the bridge party whiich wvil whe hlî înwtnie u Feraar. .at Gardeners' Meeting CoýtflfllittC:e îlan tie (iier for Thaniks- (1day veitg wjbehers.o giving baskets and ne eber 44 the, a series of talks which ae.,be corntnttee attends the Rüd cross tilee t- arrange(l for the association mleet- tnig held downltowt cadi Saturdav. :ngs duing ",thle çonnng -witür anid J ance Peuiberthys arrangements cimun- rig ilnittee hialdies ceyhn pertainling to the chli) room anti kitchlenette. '[bey WINS DRAMA. HONORS recutntly comiipleted (ecrating the Po%%-- Ni, iIsabeth D)odds, 720 Prairie de~r ro(nin the latest addition, to t 0a ll)ývenue , \\'liette. a ireshln:an at possessions. The.~ College of \Vooster (\\ooster. CHIÀeOSTUDIO: 421 . 1Ar,,1. 410.MichicjasAve., I Suite 9.35. fine Arts Building, Chicago. Harrison .3435 PA TRONIZE O UR AD VER TISERS Your T An Invitation to.. Old Friendisud New Once long ago,' So our story bo( Tbeir tables With good ti We're having For inforumation, piraeal l Mr. AflbrSole, Wibuiette 2"3 I WINNETKA STUDIO: Winn.fka 1043 I