Naraiw Oend Medim Widdas 8LACEC IlleN* POMqýPADOUR- The perky, frili, the. smart open toe, the slim hool of this lustrous rayon satin' mule make it a grand *ccessory for Iounging. Ch ester R. Hanson of Wiloiette (above) has been appointed platooiz commander in the naval reserve off icers' training corps at North- iwesterni univers ity, it was ait- nounced this week by Captaiù Ed- trard P. Washbu rn, U.S.N., Pro- f essor of naval science and tactics. ighter- of Mr. au uck, 616 Gregori ler fourth birth cwember 17, witl her little friends ýo the village re. A chorus of 150 voices, $oring a hidden choir. will supDlement theA Cappella group.and the Northwest- ern university orchestra Will furn'isli' the, musical interludes. The concert will be given in the auditorium of the church and no ad-ý mission will be chàrged. accordinz, to Albert G. Ackermain .aid ILouis Hicktnan. -co-chairmen, in ýcharge of arranoeements. A silver offerin g wili be taken, part of: which will go to- defray cost. HAVE SON Mr. and Mrs. Paul P. Aldrich, 4404 N. Rockwell street, Chicago. an- innutce the arrivai of Thomas Charles, Aldrich on November -4,ý at the Ravetiswood hospital. The balwv's Paternal grandparents are Mr. anld MIrs. Paul 1. Aldrich of Wininetka. .Mr. and Mrs. Ç .E, B&urgessof AI- hamnbia. Cal., fornierly of W'iliiiett.. are the niaternal grandparents. rY * Mrs. J. R. Phillips and bier daugh- l- ter, Miss MNary Margaret Phillips, th of Springfield, will be in Wilmnette I.Wednesday of ne,çt week to spcnd S. P. Kelly of 1606) Spencer avenue. Mrs. Phillips is Mrs. Kelly's miotlir. INhtUIIIININOIIpIUUUMUUmUINhmNblINm5~nrn*.uuuE id 1