a»d sopnomore years. The, posture casses average 18 students each, meet- îing twice weekly. This short time la inadéquate for thé correction of poor posture, which haku. been years i develooilngunles the students faithfully watch their posture habits; rest each evening before dinner in a back-Iylng position, and perfohu special exerclues at home. Theo studentk are taught In ciaxs and during Individ- uni conferences the exercises that suit their Indlvldual needs and they know he postural faults they are trytng to correct. It is Important,.aiso, that great care 1,; taken In theo selection of prop- erly made and correctiY fltted àshoeu.. ojeration frpym the parents uh.pn lier *fi rnrry niit thp w-e-ary recimen. Pfrîurew illuetratInir Mrs. Abbott' w.rk itre -hown herewith. ., DurNewU.S.Piceùsist, ohow*ng net prices n&lU 9*egp- ' e ais. have price liste of othe coutwha.I1 Il A-k for tien, C HAHN fer STAMPS DO NOT NUrLUCT TeriHeulh - Tour Figure! EDYTH DIEDRIH'S Sç;sefific. GUARANTEO tman.fiw,s.giv.n .ocordMnq t. INDI VIDUAL REQUIREM~ENTS, under medcdly frai..d .uperAdm r Vi Th najority of people need training inin ailitaining correct bodxy balance, whicli is impo)(rtanit not oniy in personal appearance, but iii cfficiency (;;i1tndve- ment and a%-idlaice of strain and pres- sure on joints and. internai urgaîxs., j'