scona Abdwest teanis. In all, cîgli squads ivili conpetv. A full page of pictures schr in duis issue shows the Young womeni at recent gainis.. Pictures .3, 4, 59' 6, and 7, were takenl by Miss 'Janc :\dair, and the othiers by staff poôtog- raphers. ilactua c No. 1 ýlloýws the inemberis of tilt No. th blhre F Irst, In the -back, row are Mrs. Warner Wishbutiie, Mrs. Er- ritt Graharn, MssElizabeth »utherland, Miss Evl W~ieicke, Miss' Dais> Wright, Misýs Lucy, Jane liedberg. lit the front ,'ow are Mis5s Jean' Gourley, ,eMrs. Frode Jensen, Miss Josephine Ot- ter, nis R G. Winkler, and Mise Adair. Picture No. -2-shova3-4he inembers oi the North Shore. second team: in the back rgw ar*e,31issMarjorle Street, Miiss Betty }!trsçh, Miss ;JeanMdcConnell, Miss Allilson Burge, Miss Eleanor Shian- ah,ea ndNlrt5. larold Burreil. Front row: Miss, Harriet Leonard, Mrs. Lois 'nheNnrth 'Shore Flr@t team. n * kft f hwkP05tlon on thé ~e"oM r~1~wetit'im. 22. .Nfqq EIInheth HEi4W.mnih1r of 'i h hrp f lp ,flis'q st t ti"'. ~wr~p~lG Tf~T'T'ivIs fn"pr fAr- 01r Ï nthp N-rt h !Qhore seCr)nd t Plans Program of Symphony Records Mfost of the seventb program of the Thursday-Friday, series of the Chii- cago Symphony orchestra wvil1 be ini- cI.uded by Dudley K. French in the concert of recordings hie iili. play Thanksgivinir eve, November 24. at his home. 503 Hawthorn lane, Win- netka. He wil compiete the prooeraâm for Pianoforte, No. 2, n to the WbrWI 'ench welcomes to W fui rememb rance the giff that only yoýu can givee SPECIAL Three Buf-Tones Ait.chkldrouille Ifor RerWl THE MOST PERSONAL GREETING Your Photograph on a Chýernms Card DERNIE STUDIO 'Setter Pictiares - etter Values" 13SIHERM4AN AVE., EVANSTON UI. IfS 7, in «V a son -c ia. .718 ire te.-m and ii *and programi erand. left ýnner First Mrs. Arthur W. Ruf, 236 Ci charge "'I road, Kenilwortb, arrived homi or natIial Saturday f rom Los Angeles,, I nner North