To the people of the North Shore, we offer ià dose- to-home cleaning service.- Establislued to cater to those individuaols as meticulious oottheir cleaning as they are of their clotiies., We pied ge oùurselves, to do only the highest grade of work. 50 Pr 1 I etELEPHONE i KenilorI KeniIworfIi 5260 a salute to the American flag and the world scouting-flag, together with theý entire company sitnging "Amierica'the Beautifttl." After the1 blessing,. given by the Rev. John G. Hihdley of the Congregational cËhurch, dinner was served expediously by the' members of troop committees. During the dinner there was singing by the Girl Scouts, With their fathers, joining in lustîlyý. WELCOMES COMPANY IAiter the dinner Mrs. Ira 'the commissioner spolce an Reynolds, apprecia- ing fiel in I iMjar amp tindree. 1I, referring to Our local activities, Mir. s Reynolds ardently, assured the coni- pany that a camp isite. near this coin muiywould greatly facilitate au,!. ehne 1girl scouting here. IPUND SLater M rs-. H. . Derniei taliket ôf Mrs. Juliette, Low. fonder of the: Girl Scouts. and the Juliette Lo'v fi und. 'It was durinZ oEM.a ' i 1912 that Mrs. T.Ow became acqtuainîedý( witb, the Girl Guide nmovemient -there and was inspired to give similar ad- vantages to'the Aincricani girls. .After. Mrs. Low's deattu in 1927. the Girl Scout' national. colIncil ýchoýse the, Juliette L.ow1 fund as, a fiîîiig monument to ler miemorv. a fund tliat woul romfote initerniation la i .(od -'%vil I tb'rotigh the medium -of îthe Girl Scout MoVement. Mrs. Derniehi shiowed tIt btis emIblem, the trefoil, which suhe pro- Posed'usinig tri collect rnotev fo-r t1w fund. She said thiat. inu akd hizlh in Livir triLth iis fiind(. MARIGNETTE SHOW The etitertaintiic f the c%.t,îuuttg was a series of Marioncetteplay- charrningly given Ibv MNiss Ilch . -I Gentz and Miss Mia Floffman of Cl- cago. The audience sat ciithralled a, thie puppets seeined to 0?rnie tn 1Uie [o tfnû . ear hunting grounds oi 11w IOrth woods wcrc picked up Wccluîes- day of last weéek by, Police Officers> Joseph Schmidt and Cullen Brans- come. They arc Thomas Arlang. 4515 Cliftnn avenue, and Douglas Apustal. 836 M'ilson avenue, eacb 9 years old. The parents of the Arlang boy came to Wilmette andi took, the baritone, Lvonday evening, Uecem- ber 6. The recitals are' beld in New Trier High school auditorium. LT 4 'i À