WInn.1833Glen. 1332 Open 85. i. to 5:30- P. In. MUPLE B1)DR 0oOMFURNITUBE. like new; mg.-, broadIooin carpet; chairs; table-; antique French settie . bric-a-brac; foIing cot with coil mat- trem *. andirons; davenpurt; irrorti. Wil. 4502 mornings or eveninge. 171LTN27-Itp fflU SALE AT A BARGAIN. FINE oriental rug. IPefectcoenditionl. M334. Can be sein St Cartzsano, 1417 Sher- man Ave., Unversity 5236. Sellng foi o*ùer, P. 1D. Breit. 1030 Ridge 13vd. Evanston. 171LICN25-4tp 80W MY HOXE, MUST BELL: DIN- ing roonibedrooin osuites; e haliu--ý table; davenport; Igas stove; Frigid- aire; mirooj i garden, porch furà. n.nh mn~hinl ordefl tOlS. J E 174 WID.TOBUUY-MIO--L*V* J unk. Dealer Goldiilan WILI. BUY 1 OUR BO1(OKS, MAGA-' %ines, papers, rage, furniture and paY best mrket priceB. Cali Wi.. 5441 or Wi. 481. i74LTN27-4tP A ,3HOTGUN WiliIpay cash. CGreenleaf -29UhO. 174,TN27-Iit BOOKS WB WILL BUY YOIJR BOOK-";-~ <I privgté libraries. WiR) eail. NOTCE OF ELECTION IiUIl trI<Eis lbere giveulita on tlit 2iii d.îy of itebe. i-pl, l37, ; Mpeciail eetilwiii be lield iluthe vil- lage of ]CenIhN'loth, Cook CountY. 1111- nois, ai t whivh eet ioli there wil be L, it4n ted t Ih :voer4 ntof -F-4 illaIUge. 340,- the poms %submitted: MODERtN WAYS By Bily Jame When the train cornes roariig past tilw countyolde; When'the'plane 'goes roaring over the Then the eilidren turn to look and take l)ictUres. i en the. blimp cornes alowly overhead. Then is wbefl the exciteinent cornes. AU the people crowd jupt t"te 11wit blimp. THE WIND iITe joiiy oli wind was out toàny, 'o givt.,IliL., avets a imçry twiri. Atnd ghiet the leaves waht to fail T4a8e wilrn] lovés to tease theni .-il. ,Mi~e iaves then served lemonade and date cookies as iretre8bments bQcaust. tbey Were theneareet to Egyptian food whieh we could serve. The food wàe served on thé Egyptian cups and îdbateý inade ,by the Étudents. It waq a ery enijoyable afterRiooR for both tudnts and 'mothere. We wlsh tot thank t4ese epI)tble for til. hielp they gave us: Mies ýeckert,. for thu damce and rugs; NMiss WVoodiey for tlh.- cntumle; Milm Ir.en, for - lite art work: and Mr. Bal fOr theé, n'ttit on of1.t 20 Years Ago ..n W il et IL. trios tç' téa me the big Onesp. t 0( .. i t l ie 10 the r o tee, h ir î î eNvlb B, 1 1 1-lebliews tin kirstheil la> he - dath of D.Byron C Stollî. Now.dt>ytià if&n t ir's929 Tiîirteenth street, %vasrîor. A TIA H--RIis dea4ii.%vas due iQ a. collli,» .u)i Dey Alice Keimedy his automobile %vith another car iii i 1,t raveler, gay and Y-ouitJ4. Wiliiiettc avenue. lie lxtd practict,ý tr tol1 svhool whlen ehol 1eiee. edicine in the village for 43 ver wVi .'ii scho(A leover, homte 1 rusi, ' bjuinp, and to bv u. during vluchl ime lwie vas activu Il TIGER BILL civic affairs. Tl'le public sclhool ati 1h ir~nsaJÎo ~ , ,~tru: Central avenue andi Tenth street wzi- 1Who. W w.vesiy L>. ( tel. ýThe Local Board of Clharitie'..t lit. ititieS b Ii.,tclam> whiclh Williami-IH. Ellis, was chaii WI Vi heu he &. ' ýt m î ~tan, made il s animal report. t PiCKINGFI.oWERSMiss Marçy F. Quayke, 38Crce L~ a EG P -I' IA N 81 L A farin in K enlw orth, ty flusk itig . oite.ral sLrth Grade seconds. I 'IVictià ,tîhtbrs of the ebidreit la . lrs. - .ulIas's Central sixth grade wet.& i»- James H. McGauran, machiini.,t'ý vlted. to au FEgyptian tea Tuseday, Ne.-1 mate at Great Lakes, took advantagt vember 2. o f a day off to rum down to \ViI- l~We were studying Egyptian hietorv.1 * Betty Jobuson wttntéd, to learn au, mette and marry Misq, Getriniain cl I~v ti dance. Sorne of thegirlst got l< t(fl . Years 7:, 1 IW2 Ceta HmbRR 8. HARRISON, HARUTPredent COURTENAY C. DAVIS, Village lerk ,bout the ideai ure, fro nt 1U15. Eietrie dry.-I .,N't.. :Aj e