SmUIi lP.lo an ,.a',.u, anc. like renl. ENG;LAND... IVITIT.4 IIRICK, 'rIMBEICt,- -and cenet - Manoir H6use lu Evanston: 6 bedrooms. 414j tule baths. Modernlued and iliilshed ta the lant <etait. One block from lake on large. Ianidw.aped lot. Priréd under $5.5,000. .Mr. CuTiinghamn. R.~C..F R E N (H .. DIS4TI.NCTIVEý tP.NCi Influence - lun Gleno-thle, beautiful' white* hriek venéer with'ai. roof conimands a grand vlew frnrn it 'fevat,-t landscaped mite. Well1-bult and, wel-plaiite. It Consista of 9 rms. 31% bathm with 5 Ibeilrooms. There 1.4 a llbrary, oipen porch:, 8-car attac-heil -garage. 011heat. 8 fhifx>i4 te elertrie transportation. An exce»tIonally fine honie la eêvery re*.i4,et. Mr. Newhall. Wlnneîtka 2700, Briargate 1855. lEVANST0N: 522 Davis Street ;ree-nleaf 1855 Hollycourt 185 .WJNN#ETKA: -à90 Elin Street Winnetka 2700 liriargate 1855 HIOHX.11ANI) PARK: 5 S. St. Johins 140 IZreýn B Jay J U30 J8021t Se ven R'oinis, TýoBah EastWinnetka. THKEEF. B LU C K ài FROXM the lakE-nIear 4éh(w)ltiand teanNportaticn - four bed- rons. w#opdëd. lot. and ln a fine re.4ideritlal neighborhood. Act qukckly! \V. G., RUGGLES & CO. i17DvsSre.Easo lUni. 6886 wilI. 1660 South East WVinntetka; EREl1' MmUYV!I CAN RE!A Mffll 012 ,~.. Il BRIN iT TRERE 19 A CERTAIN AIR OP. DIS- tInctIon--e unoiimOt seculty--about thià exqulslite,, beautltully appointei French home on 147 Mt wooiéd lot. Panelled den, unusualir. large porch. brkfst., powder and gaie roomu. 5 inas- ter biraus., 3 tule bi plus servante', quar- ters on -Ird floor. Ovner niovinoc and open to an offer. Be. SEARS REAL ESTATE Exclusive Agent 421 Richrnond Road Kenllworth 5288 ________ 47LT1427-lt. IDEAL.- I Beautiful room. re 2-imr hoba m»- In wanneua wnhO apprecemus uos.- tion. future. aÏ4 exee4§ngly low iprice. Oaly ",000 or $40> pSu McGUIRE & ORR, Inca S» Davls Ut.. Wv»&, Or&e. 1» WIL in HIGHLAND PARK 1<0W 18 THE TIlE TO BUT 1IN 1110H- lani Park befor. jri00s avaoe turtber. We hv owet~ est of.tcm MU-1RRAY & TRRY lghland Park 89 ISILTNIB-tte no. I Jl & (110. OLDER TWO @TORY FRAME home n uwooded lot 50x"100 across from in.nalt park. ami near train, schoott. and storee -WIIInmake fine 8 room home. Now bas 2 baths. 3 porchis_ new 2-car garage. lnïced at $6,M0 but owner former mort- gage bolder) wants ailt ofP-rs submitted. )RTH SHORE REM4t'Y Campbell Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 91 Nothbrok 170 147i N - 1t 47LTN274tie VO 1 LIKE AN ATTRACTIVE COolnial hlome of 7 roins. 2 haths osi .<deep wooded lot lu OP.EN NOW andti couveriielit I 1931 TIHRNWOD AVE.. Wli.METTrTF tion. catît Mr. Pietsch. -7 roonu. 2 baths. 2 lav. and garage. - m .. IATv WU 14 1ATITfl4rl'C1f THE BILLS REA 529 Davis St., E I. WIL. LOOK AT 251 L corner 3ri. lFor sale oi Liom Invlted. BrokeW 04 houmeoli gem!. for sale. 108 oeNST-ltp