1 5LTN2-t GIJARANTEED SER VlICE Sewing abines, Vacuum Ceaeuand dMiios. Al makem. Free EFst. BLISS ELECTUIC SEPRVICE 604 Dempsîter St. tTni. f680, are. ;177 WANTE . TO (IVE Mt(). service on gtes »of boo)ks. 411 state- monts and t axes. Reasonable ratee. Blarkinton Wi1»ilette 947 1 rLTN2;*-3tp FRAMING, RELINING AND REPAIR- Ing ail kindis of bags. Petit Polint bags our speciàlty. Antiqlue jewelry. (llettoch, 130 N. iftate; St., Kranz. Buildinag. I 1T2-4tp Scasoied Fire place I .ogs 50 tir. PT. TO À- TON, $7. 12S 0V. PT. to a cordî $14. (ien-oe 958. OPTOMEITRIST 35 eI4çépèrlenee. Eyes fitei propprly. Broken lemses replaceti, fraines reiIrëd. J0 OSEPH F. KUSS ni t.Wlnnietk.a 3671 3 5-ITX-ife ai SULSINO AND oPAIa FI<ACITONE$ Beautiful Stoue for Rock (ùartdeia. BRICK AND _CEAENT W(>RK TO TUE ADVERTISERj -Painting anid Ieoai SANITA$ AN» eCANVASJNGOl' floru matie likp new by dnt "l na- chlnery. OSur xpéclalty on wamihng waihs and woodwork that dount urt t hte sur- face. Iyet at a iow Oit.(ur work- is d(Icoe tu youir aa Ifa.tInby a rtecord olf giodt refeireaice andi wli - nt. a o tpres. NiEML N'IN %VI1f. 3413 FkII)I.BROBERG Ni.liFal IRates FIOOR EIIHN First classnaerjals and iworkrianb;hip., Bragae1061 1429 Lunt A%'(- CI 1C,- CA LC. $2 UP1 $6 np.Nilliîsetltbirany ligietf ec44 i Wl IN N.25 1.01118 11~i..30 au ib^NTINSAND SU@gtAIffi» ID URKOOP, Pain ting and( Decorating MILS. M. BOLAN»: I)rei4moiaking. Afternnon sàandi evenlng dremmtnandi cuat. .Matie or restyleti. 311.TN ml1ti> (A<SEASONRI) 1 YEAZ-64 (CU2. PT.. $9BLAVK DlIRT-$2 yd. ini 3 or -) yd. Iidts; ruttfrd nw nia nire-4 ydne.-$1 4. (ltST ANI)VEItSoN 1:>.- Ridge 1toafl Wilrnette 4-52 sa LANOSCAPE SERVICZ niet anig atenn. Pret ee);i> mialnds a weiI kept met andian Vi l UX M.894.tllet.2h,5 îNI s,.tk.a 21 71~~~~7 LTNEgiu NSSLPOV1l We dplk w ander. iluer. Noss.iap -Daraî, hnimg 'r.esr Cseaî. Av e., igo, aInem. tkighadbià 4 Wesc. up tani telie. Nu seprvi charg. 7:1>tloalv l T ab 2 , ST l EXP1tT AD(W îG A Brown. v7sqT. villot,., LOS? ANS776U. GIRLS! 4PONS0N rKennetn, eg t d. - III, - - --------- il