10 U9mt«oo twelve years ago. They' wesêemioety reuiiited on'tue "Manne- quimi" set at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. I*cs Rossn for Fia. Licoeîe on Bobs. Auto The Florida liense plate on Robert Mmonuury s cardoesnt mpan hli l deserting California. Hlm own car is laid nd theFlorida bus lu a bor.. rowed oe CITE DIETRICH LOYALTy Citiug Marlene Dietrich's great loy- alty, lier friends point out that she always manicures lier own nails when visiting abroad. because she re'fusa*. entire :amily wii enjoy tlîis story of a prcfessional mode! who poses as r society girl 'and is selected as qtaeeîr ôf the artists_' bal Sote unusual features and assisting aîhists add in. portant anîd isîterestine bits of enter- tainment. Captai.. Couae..us.(M > - rected by Victor Fleming, with Spen- cer Tracy, Freddie Bartholomew Lionel Barrymore, Melvyn Douglas. and Mickey Roonev. Kipling's story ha. made a trulv great picture, absorbing, fascinating upliftitig. The characterizations are inspired. The attention to detail splendid scenic effects, and wonderfu' photography, go to niake a pérfect whole. MEETS Mr. Dodd Tako tL.Air. (Wariier Brothers). Directed ý by Alfred E. Gireeti,. with lCenny -Baker, Gertrude, Michael, Frank McHugh, janeW- man, and A1i"e B ra dy. Clarence Budington Kel- Iands story, "'I ic Crooner- i s t h basis for K e il ln flake#*,. film dvbut asthie attractilon i 0 ,the wealthy mainu- Gertwude fqacturer's mattress M4içka. hour. Ih furnishes good, clean entertaiiment and pre- viewers uenjoyed every minute of a Riding On Air. (RKO). Directed by Edward Sedgewick, with loc E. 1 joc E. le" story invents a jwhich ,.ç sooi finf ou .- Whlchevor to 10 10110 hls *Rid- of the exuberazît wit, gigantic and gurgling alto, scores an- maslî lut and ail but puts ber ýes in the aisie in this new and las"~ i. higbly praised by previewers for the splendid characteri- zations and the able direction. Stella, silly and cheap, in nmany ways maintamns cer- tain standards and cat the close of the A sec ROAST YOUNG TUItKEY