ncy percelitage TULIFýS. Î R I prlemt mut HOME FOR'CAME Miss Betty Fucrmnaiii. daugliter of Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Fuermnann. 2%6 Winnetlca avenue, Kenilworth. wbio us attending the. University of Illinois. brougbt several of lier Pi Beta Phi sorority sisters horne witb lier Sat- urday for the Nortli we,,tero - li Hnouý football gaine. Nliss Fuvrinauui m'iI be borne again in two weeks for the Tbiaiksgi%-ing bolidays. FRED A. UilS CO.. INC. Heatlng and, Air Condttioning 40 YTears of Coninu.ous Service DARWIN TULIPS et 100rellt.Fer l UM Iiutt. Sahlonlpink atasy. Pink and green .. e. Krelmge. Lilae-rose à de oftHalm. Orthhant I l. Ricb evety, black 27" à COTTAGE TU LIPS et 100roft erIl oxilfht. .Cnnrv-vulaow..... Niu.;tier-tz Billeme~ B:Keîaneth Kilrntar,. Jse il- mf4)in.lMot Tlerm. Jack Keàiie. clas.s C: Bill .ackil. flipili rainer, Bob Anîderson. (.latxx 1): David Hiilàt-. Ili n ~:y. Éd ~ntAllan 'lhonpson Ciau.-sE: Nick Egl.Bill uttes Bill ta..d4er. -gré VaEI~.hîtronhl. Xd ilCumiiie, Ru'e,,l Kiiunertz. Clas,a B. Jack tnsaîib, iut-, Ipelit, Jack Kehney, 9'lasas )- Arthur ( Ake ~lenTuiai tClas E : Beob Shul Iik Be!st, . Le Butler. H~u dEbert, .lanirs ' ri it-. iPri.p lik <uuiA:JieilliIIIuIZ l illVaI Bl) BsiIîne,4.. ;iv- Sp. Eelit. Xfrk E'Hill AIiss 1: .Iti N 'h.r K.tilîi .'-yI D >rudl ey.îno is ouly a Worker lrnd flot the one wbo knows the process of .nanufacttiring more robots. TIhe eventual exterinia-. tion of the " race" stems inevitable. Miss Elisabetb Stanwood, is direct ingr "R. U. R." Assisting lier is Mis, Polly Feeney, new meniber of the New Trier' faculty's dramatic departmenit. Robert Harper and C. Hlerbert. joncs. and their student stage crcw arc pre- paring the intricate sets necessarY for stich an unuisual production. Mrs. Jaue Lighiter is in chargt, d . cr- tuines and properties. Suffit, aralargrg a-t rry omin . UI;.ria 1 ;,g hieen flry . .. loni.Lamb Dr. Gall. .. %lli:u,îii Laear Mr Fbry .. Ba rnrv' OIahr NI).. Alq ulst . .Jh,î$ebpin Mr. i. -munail insiv t .Mary Fances i giead Radiu.-, a obhot R(Obert Ir-br H1elen.t, a Roliotess Jant-walt Ili>lmu, a Robot l'îter Oiliver ilrst -Robot ..41.t.-r rrd ~vodRobor 9. . t -vi.1-tanes Sain Siart, ijk I ,ovrnn. KIAie[- Kern.Bo)b Parlrker, PerrY ~n vs Warren ;re-iie, Géurge liifAti. . rc *> :rvl a. It 1ich. enly blue NARCISSUS. etl. item. mer 100111i ed .... .... . isat ye 4£ rens uot . ....r... BurgIars are ireaplgia ha rvest everywhere. You need protection agoinst ioss by thef:. REAL ESTATE LOANS *CIassF: Swit. Ilarry - Rosideas. eSmith, Frink. Eccles, rLa Fave. luîahr fl- et- anberg. ,hard Hftze. ahol )Wne ,p Kicki Craig, Rodney Schwe- 'asterline, Jamies Clark, 'l )f ek V . 111 1