Th- Chleogo Methodist Soc»ial unlion baitit wii be heid at the Mledlnah club (Al "Zovenber 18. This banquet 1,4 ln hunor OU the Board of- Homne Miu4- qiilu 1 and Church Exteijalun and, the Boad f Foreign. Miss.ions4. Th e rt-ep- tion jm at 6 ociork ai thé. banquet ai 6:30. -1*e Horace Young ffor rsraîo» The Flfth divif4ion nîieet.- Tuecday, No- vemin-r 14; ut 10 'clo%-k aMthe. hone t Mr.Elbert Herchèer, 114 tiador pla-e. The WsIynSevce4h il îiets Tuesday .-venlng, Sý t oc t the. home ofMis dila lbuvi- s(n. 1437 Ftaremmt avenue. I'he i>hownk seout tr*of lb> for boya anid girls are mAponsored bîy tiis ehur.h: cLrl $cout Troop. 1-Tliur-sday«.s t. :15 ;PnI. Girl Si-ottTroop, 2-Thurxda.i .AI 3ç:45 P. ni. Girl , sout Troop 4--us at ai .4.- p. fia. Brownié. ll>ack -tdtsly ut::0 ID. fi. Bï .Sr< lit rfflrp ft:MOit ~ Il. flU. The. W(m&tn's a8klng for donati box *hle-h It st needy miniister ai year is to. go t0 vale, Tenu. fHt. helght. ehettt 41, heàd 71 ,nechi wift. i> 7)feet. 6 5 ftee KAPP,% Pl PHI, The. two nëw members. on the cab- inet of the.Kappa Pi Phi aire Jimmie Maie, .who 1l4 vice-president, àandEl- Lnoir Laflonte. the- fres4hmiti represen- tatîve. JýimmnY 3ahie will iend the js cw'sion at the reaular meetingr. Sund»y e'Venlng at 5:30. The casts selected fMr the- two ptays to be given in Decembea- are as folilown: WardenThe Tallaut Hurdn iitt . Dale Chroffe Father Daiy ....George Putnamn JIameàs Dyke- Jack Chroplce Josephine Paris El... orLaBonte, Dan Norman Fifer Aýn Attendant, Frank Huffnauit Ente liea - xil Dm4' Joei Ttbhs .4Jl m Mhie I)ob. T'imms .....»Betty Miller WvaItr Barneîs Norman Fifer Salesman .... ...George Redding 3 (-bey Frank Huffman -Suzanne Lyon is in charge of the. pub- livity for the. platys. James Mahle la stage manager. and Barbara Burge la prop#-rty mnaer !The.*Ne'w Trie year to a.îavulty. whd>se lie box thi> I'ccnin"Tlit r -at Rock- timn of the lie d, il)che' in atiso Is. rouseî' 9"2'o. Nlt- M. Kpe iwsi9. Ili>llyfoi.hi!- liJwh ches. 'ad bis Wlcturel Margreting asý weil as il incies ii other two.baW scrmbled eggs and, ba- con. After* breakfast the scouts cleaned, up thecatnp.grounds, carefülly put out the fires .and returnedte the village. They were home at 8:30 SCOUT TRtIP The. second of the serles of tries sponsored by thc camp commîttee of the Girl Scout council was madie last Saturday. Seventy-two scouts were talc- en through the down town store of Mar- shall Fieldis. The Kenilworth Girl Scout anti leaders wbo were guesta of, the Wilimte Scouts onthis tirëîp meti Former Wilmcttc Ma Dies on Trip South George 'M. Wooëd, a rei«eût of Wilmette for many years before his *retirement two years 'ago, passeti away Saturday eni route from hif summer home at Lake Geneva to bifs wiliter resitience ini Florida. Hie hati *been employed by the City of , Chi- HALLow"E7N PARTYý ThefGrli Scouts i Tr Sop5 da Hiallowe'en Party WededaOctober 26. Eacli patrol leader à uhtapIMP- kit, and a knife to the party. The girls of ecrl patrol cut the faces i the Pumpklns andi put the cantiles in them. The jack o' lanterns were then taken to, the children's ward of the Evanstoe hospital by one of the mothers. IEach rÇl atw gaines which tuey pla4yed I ereshinents were cider ànM dmgb4uts.-Phyllis -Bergstrad (scribe Patrsch J. Faivoe Veteran Fireman in, C7ilcago. DMes, er. Patrick J. Palvey, 81., reireti captai. of the Chicago lfire depatnmet d<ied Wetines&iy of last week in the home of his son, John J. Jtalvey, 1015 Ashlanti avenue, Wilnette, with whon, le re- -asm were -k, at siNIJAY Begiriaers and Pri àjoro itg wa>rship Kappa Pi P'hi Mi. fli'idlcy willl 'Thàe Bea.t Road to igregationai. Rapid,,. Midi... wbre. they wr SERnVICES blers other. Mr. Faiickboncr *%vas iia rie> ) ti bsiness trip in i Txas whenad- il :tlé m. ' 1ed of his mother's scrious illuess, ~: .n.and arr:vedl a fcv hours after site 1 -11 hin l t 1wtopIie. had passed aivay. He wvas aer joined I.y Mrs. Fanckboncr andi bis brotb- .wiI ia. sMîwu: r. Charles, f romi Boise, Idaimo. 'I rient. Interment was in AU cemetery. ivors are a son, John J. Falvey ,mette; a son, Chief em y alvey 25th Battalion, Chicago lire de- rt; a son, Hugh J. Palvey of o, and two daughters, Catherineý ttriCia of Milwaukee. W.. Fw*ebmt tCaptai The Woman'.qGuild tunchleoi wil . at tteId Idriday, November 12. Tht.sPeaak- On %iili he x. J. Coburti, wh4b will taik last ier