cviii sen~d to be everywhere. Geriait observation balloonis had fuli; vxwof the lhues, aud ive scemed'y 13e ctltl-ý)icuouIs"by the ,absence: o0 PI otect ion îrorn thie air corps. h Iva * just the reverse of conditions 'on thç4 previotis iront. Lord, how those Ger- * man planies tised to coule over and btWCCI) idown the valiev, givinig us a 1 sprayI likc water fromn a hose. )ne ninorning 1 reneniber. a plante %with the Iro,î Cross camne ov'er, ai i.i>tcad ot dropping somle hot leail. kut camne a diock of paper.s. Wr tkntew, thcîev werent soap apes oOuc thec boys crawled out and',Picked one up. Four of 'us, Iyiig in a hiuddle, rcad 'ini Fngishî thcsie: words : ha arc :vou .'iericans fightnig -for-the bovs in field grey h)lave no anirnosity toivardyu, and so on. Realaze, tii %%aN dropped in our lai) fofloNvilg davy,; of e-xIoýtire- goocv iint;d, ranîi, con- .stanttlv îwdeflr tire irôrn artillery,. ma- cine guniiand rnue tire, andi air attack. To imake niatters wvorsv, the place wVaS hGot ani 4azar'1ous. Food couild o0111% !le hriwh dWIîl 111catis aitur. dark, sOo opr tiiiiiniies were tin ouet(b ful, Andl Hen to have Ille bovys across the tcrt:tk '.av -vat are y-ou fi-"hlting fe,-r -uv have notitîig agaist %-ou r () stieets oldth re trutin. nuividilats, hoekids and thôse oid meni on thie othier >ics (id i*ln avc am- nu orviral grievancv .1:tailtst il s ,iIii<n thian wc aga îsjtttixu.. What off the Future? \Wel1, ilext vear wr v Ill celubrate Ille twunt îthtli iesa of fliv Arin - istic-bu)t it b asnt »roved to bc Your affectionate son, William G. BrowN'i -~ -~-t~- -s~ t ort 5m- il Deaier ,By8Bve