Plan Nov for Your Winter .Vaca tion! -Oftm uuyole"v MM dt.yonrsf g ,&,Pm joingt o jt away t. the sySoul8UtiIwest thi wite." Weil nows, the tiie I. Rock struedtou0der W agnelr"s own orders and in i which imany inno6vations .weré madie. During the festival. wihicb will open July 24 andi continue .t& August 19. the complete Nibelungen Ring will be presented twicc andi there will be four performances *of "Parsifal" and six of **Tri!stan undi SAIL ON BREMEN Mr. and lirs. Auderson Oweni (Marcelle Vennema) of Ktnilworth. arc sailing this week on the Bremen ý for England, Denimark.,,Swiiterland, fi Hollant, and France. They v VM re- turn, during the holiday%. top reptablie otfBliIvia. This country resting high in the Andes bas no sea coast and is ap- proached throuigbMoleno.Peru,, and Arica -anid Antofagasta, ChIle. ports visited weeckly byv Grâce 1-1Vine Santa sbips from 'Çç%v York.. For nmany years after the Spanisb conquest the mountain!s which arc three and four miles Ihiglb, prohibited anything but mule teanms froin mak- ing the trip down from flolivia to the coast-the fabulons quantitie's of gold and silver takien from iltt ricli mines of Bolivia ivere transported by pack tanto the sea for tranis-shipment to the royal coffers in Spain,, and the journey was a long and ardiious one requining several meekR. *Later the railroads cofiquered the mountains and-tunneling through1 the reluctant neaks andi sNing ing of cntarto and retinue v, *w lav been guests at Trails End, Emo, On- tario, for the hunting stason, hlaveý retUrned to'Toronto via Chîicago, -for the, openinig of the court of ssin iu . astern Ontario., Trail's End is one of the> most, beautiful and exclusive hunting and1 fishing lodges ini the Lake of the' ýN'oôds region, being locateti at the end of the road leading to tht ýfam- ous Clearw,%ater Lake andi t le casterw wilderness lakes, some distantce east of tht Kenora-Fort Frances highi- way. This. property was :purch.ased- laie in thé. summer by Char-les D. Budd andi Frank, D. M iller of Gletncor, %whob wiIl operate it in thé future. It is 46~ miles north and west of Fort Frances. Erno. Ontario, on the Canadian Na- tional i'uilways, W -the -po>st office, The hunting ini Ontario bas Ibctîî tilt best in many seasons and onte 54-inchi spread bull moose hecad Nwent out during tht past wcek with luany others. It is almost the record if not actually the largest spread .ship- ped so far. Some of the deer have weighed three hiundreti pouînds. dresseti, and on last Saturday, at Inet. io,J*dnal PFalls acros t he.river ere have, been mnany large lake Up to 45 pounda shipped also hose who have beeni fortunate eh to have enjoyeti the Ontario nn season, have had an e.x- lice they will long remembell)r. DL duo