rarK tLU De ine 5uesr speaiçeVaxq the open bouse meeting of Fort Dearborn cbapter of Daughters of' the .American '.Revolution Monday afternoon, Novetber 1.at2 o'clock, she wiII bring witb ber scores of the rarest doilis. f rom her collection of two hundred wbicb she bas gathered together over a period of fif- tren .years. The subject of ber1 talk %viiI be "Tbe Doli-the Servant of Human ity."o Trhese wëee beings, as -Mrs. Hulburt .ealsý theini vary greatly -in size aund colorisig. Fromn alniost;every Iand, tbeYL arc rscb lin myster and racial lore. From the soeah seas site has a dancer madce en- i I Town JIomse ~ çonimittec, witn Mrs. LI.. i~.Uckson of Whtnetlca as captain of the north shore group, are working 'hard to taise the quota -for this district. 1Work bas already been started o11 the building, an- auditorium-gy m- nasium, and is reported to be now welI under way. The following alumnae are work- ing with Mrs. Dickson Iocally: Mrs. D. D. McCormick of Highland Park;' Mrs. Catherine Smith Day of Win- netka; Mrs. Pauli Cutier of Wil- mette; Mrs. E:, P. Miller of Evans- ton, and Mrs. Fred Lang. Mrs. A. Coleman, Mrs. John Dawiison. Miss Helen Buettner, Mrs.- M. Torcumn, and Mrs. A. Krutuseigof Chicago. dIoM shIe is hinior Met Iod a varied program whicl will ex- tend to the end of Marcb, next year, to aid tbeiir work. in'estab- ishing scholarsbi's for boys at, the scbool in Elgin. On Xovember 5, the homéeof. M4rs. O.Noble, 1242 Maple avenme. livan- ton. will ,be thé scene of a musicale and tea. The guest artists will be Estrid Buck, mezzo contrilto,, as-. sisted by Cordelia Scheihoger Pardue, and Grace L. Sieberlings concert pianist. Madamne Bnck p!Osàsses a "voace that. is warmn and colorful," and is able to put nto her interpreta- tions especially of Scandinavian songs by Grieg and others, "the correct ~aaw.Phere, sf the worth, the Iroper dramatic sPirit and thse romantic mu- sical StYle to inaie them tell their respective mtessages." <'Thr Daily News.) Mrs. Pardee, who will ar- company Madame B3uck, has appeared belore this group and many others as a concvert pianist. motve tiwlrgi, that "an act oi, so they re- ni 'Heunted Hou»"' Party. Theta Upsilon Rho Event Closinig theiir #suimer and lu b ssisti ng Mrs. Nobi en)tertaining ber Audrew 1). Coli sAice Hattermau> L. N. Dodge. . av2 - .0g -ciel.. in receiving lests will be s, IEvanston, Chicago, and WILIMBTTE LJIFE