Dlurgi1 n i charg. of 1lîe ciourseL. 1:.saI :\d . I )no Ihè,r;h M . '~ill. Writing E Ille on. Alfu . Gahrit. Wri J>. york 'Triî>tîiQ B.<k.e 4~ i't.Fni i e J01111 1. Grii- boôk. '.whid' lie ~tl dII~'~tîb V. 1. la ti Sleer, SalvH J ln litOrv oi ~ 1 <Kii.(tarle> C. I ing'eýîon. PredU ra1el Cý)l *work1 -.t.pp. l.en ).ý M cShane.ti Herbert dir ct bsv va it.fl f t < r :týlý c, Xl sick , Sark is Il. N ahigia tn, J lm s tesoaldevotioti to artist-. j11fi1 rmaOl.W (Xjv :Patckar .îve \. persn a iii an undtstaidin of I rry, Rex Ratlihuul, -N. J. Roth., Il. . friendslip af( idrtiidigi h uggles, L arrýI Shaffer, \XVlte-r W,. ways Of rnusiians,. aili Paiînter> a"' St1mer., t'. "\%. Tl'eusche(r. C(eore L. does Van, .ocn's fille book, f lit. n w a 1 IL. Wilfiaml R. Liteianul. covenltioialý ilctliods f. the art Geotog I.Wfînioî ~rmc A. toriails arc, of course, thirown o-t.r- Ya te s., board iniVan Loon's attclflp)tto ret )rd i ba za ar -atiw ilo, a hi' 4o the history.o. epsatdiînlt i ron 1:30 to M :3, cards, and 'elter-1 for expression in mari.. lic lbas, tr it. îmn ri :0t '1c~~i t0 present ,nn rt.5a rcietuY ctc< ;,rizs. wi1l I)t fce, 1 i eously at varilei stage- of ~elt "The Arts" ik p)recliend b'v the PliI>- lishers as "a' bi>k whicli' loolot A'a'- kance utpon thecoriv, and jî, e * makes 110 .cOlic<ssîlol to oeppia presenitat ion 'filehY~or oi a w~ and gentie person, Iiînslif at kind fd * The cominnittec icels thiat -NIr>. Faxonw vilI giv*e Olle Of lier beI)C rca<l- ings 'Monday, sit tii unusual book Nias lier tij(-ci, and rej'cats that Siingle * admi>s1sil ticktt îuiav he st!ctrd at the ýj&r0. eSha rmeer PROPORtTIONED-ý Hosîery e.. Lost3 Days, Thtursday Fridoy. soturay fo Be Feled in Chicago ý Dr. Marv \hy(we.fre colnt.ua, forniali' indhîctcd a, le%%' 10ber hý. Ili lhtiî liolloril i it 0'icago Rock ford Ço)llegc club. of. wiich1 Mi~-~Rber N.Hartxanl (), chi- il l Buy Now for regualor $1 3-threed chiffon: 95cý Uygoeste and ý Mrs.'