forrigu' coeitries at ,aýst, vear s. festival... ûr,-. il. \v- NMons is chairiniin the conx:Mrittec on dëcoratiýns whichi1 has Wvoikdi arduously td carry 1<out the floral design. Aiogthe wonien wýho. have assisted itr are Mrs. . 1). Cox,. M rs. L. -H., Hanawalt, Mis. 1(lii-. ford, Ives, Mrs. A. B. fiussandcri, and Mrs. ýHoràce YOung. 'l'atr Ihes and paisivs forni tlie mo)tif for the decoration in. the rooýnis devoted chiefly to children's thirigs.' The: colorful poiinsettia strikes ,.a Christmas note in, the, pottery bouth;;> the >opI)y wiIl add zest to the rooni:1 show ing, nen's war; the moldest daLisv ivihi give color to the Fourth di-i.sioni booth, and the s5tatey suni- flower wAl i ortn the background. loi the ithdivisonwares. The I)aclicler bùttoni. zinîiea, andl chrysantheîinumn w'Ihl alý o tlooij the garden .oi 1floers. of the Fourthidv.11 have specialized in eclquis'te table; 1'ivnen, and tune towlsundr te< rection of MISS john 1>ectty. SO ex- acting lias the work lice» un tlhesc pieCeUý that no0 other lhandinade goods lhave beeti atteniilptCe. ridg'": alli liinclieoiisets,. liiger-tilp ano gucst, iii a wiine Franklyn BlissSpiayder of North- western, lmiývrsit3', e ' dcait of facly and educatioptal vit-e-prt'sî- dent, t'iUl be mie of the Speakers ot tilt, formai din uer. Frida v e<n inli, XNov.Cituber 12. of 7:30/ O'clck À,at the FortnzqyhtIv luin hc tho. im oor of D)r. Mary A-shby Chëcek,. incw: prcs.ident o )cf l'cl/ge iée ban qu't is spo~nsered bY lihe Rck-ý ford Coliége Chdti<of Ciao Sew For Philanthropy 'l'le Chicago \\onîiais Shielter will bc the next oi philan- thropy seinig at thé \\Volmanls Chlb of \\iliiettte Friday. Noveniber 19. Work begijis at 10 oJclýck in the nîorning . AIl %woinîen t, the village M r. OBrien was attended by his brother. Rfily. The bride 'and bride- groo mare spending their honieymoon aý a camp ini the Adirondacks and up- on their return wil ive in Buffalo. Thte bride bas made ber home in Buf- falo for the past two years and ha- beeti assistant to the personnel',di-* rector of a Buffalo department store. New residents at 1136, Cbestnut ave- nue arc Mr. and Mrs. George P. Getz, Jr., recently of Chicago, and thear, two malsons, George F., III, and Bert IAtwater. De Pi SHOES$5 to$6 FOR THlE FAMILY, TAYLOR S LIAULO eJw er Gramdf.*heus Cbe&s Ail Woek Gueramteem R.asuomble Prime. Werk Cdlied fer auj Dolivere jPhone WiI. 1061 1166 WiIuaett Ave. %vrapugs, scaIl.. ancy f ajK1iS.ciU rOUu otli.r .tlîings. NIlr,. Rav:noild K1i11- Mi.. .Wl is taking ordt bell.1hN 1 r F'.r. \Vcthe fu11 beil, wh is in rarge4of he ioonkc portrait, of both cli %Aoh and candies, bas aas fotui rn aic auits k paitei hy liIclen troin ibis division, Nirs. B. F. lewýi, rnadau % Mrs. 1. %W. jmnesis. Arthur inc. Kinball, ani NI rs. \\ alier Moucy. ie public i> inivitud to vîsît1 The Fith ivison, uo, ias on- oths a.nd enjoy the %wares and ts TheFilh dviion to, las c-attractive decorationis.-,Co»itri!>t lintd ibs etlort> to a liimited ______________ p!etUre ,theater now o>erating BRAUN CROS. SERVICE STATION CI..*.tan ed Ock Stroof