world that the circus is coming to town, for muembers of the junior guild, of the Minette Parish Methodist ,cburch are bard at tvork*'to make the car- *nival of the Flower festival a real circù's witb ail the greatest attractions of "the biggest show on eartb." Asa Ieadiinier, jiminy the \Vonder Monkey will be back I The children will all remember the antics and tricks. *of this engaging littie rascal. 'Mrs. Harold B. Myers is Jimmy's 'official manag er. Another animal attraction will be the pony riding.ring, of which Mrs. Bernard Hilton is in chargeC. Other features and those responsible for their production are: Sideshows. ;andI in, svar :îreinelym1-11 f the real is C. Lea- also be On is messages aitnt cnairnian ofthtns group. The group for which Mrs. D. monit is chairmian, is to have me~eting Wedniesday, Novembi the home of Mrs. Horace- Da w Lincolnî street, Evailstoiî at luticheon served later in the day, ing liostesses are Mrs. Foster ind Mrs. M". Ira Williams. Xtrs IL. Ilarley is a.isatchairina~ group. One of the activities, Dci4raînt Sio initeresi of M'rs. Idns f.RiL~ Of l1$7 itîï-ai thse present fi uit'. Ihr florllscvming B Ri q 4pp1clpart 'rj s/'tnsort.'d Y hi, Kite eil7kortltý, t'tr i theInfant Il 'elfare Society 1) vi Chicayo, of-i~h she is prcsident. The suppir <ance tcf/I take place' il,.' î'va elnqo!flé/em' e1. in th., *(ldroponi dof Ibe -Con qress. .1!rs. Huk i.ill J'e vue Of t/lyse'ct tUWl1</4Ui'ts ilt l5.1111/. MoI>day. at Shawnleecowî-'trv cmul> latst eniari for afternoon for-the tdessert Iis as'sist- bridge partv aud, style showt * . to-Sl>)llsretl 1W the clui for-.its its nextieîîhrs Ind ,utheir frieiids. er 1 .- \liti uprccedenî ed crowd fi ll son)I, 2(À)9'the )aHlro 1oui. tHielounltge. and àl qwith le iioth eon lb fo~r îher l(ligtea 1tables wýere a rranged tù> accommtiodlate the large mnmbèr in atteuldance. I eCorating the te'a tables were lagelowls *ýof vellow a n d' b)ronze bto lrsuhmm Vases of)f- aliflwvsil, 3ellow alid ironze were also plact-cl at the sj(d, Of the. stage ini the ballroom wher thet ilocels' paraded fordtu. fa.,i- ion show. As a seîiing for th, siim theseiii charge thnsetitte~ trii,- al> propriately furnislie<I w-it h 1Illlgt. chairs and sei'eral lcr i* ce,1% * McGaw 4l uf the, Rockford Alamaa MÎodels, bothpof*ioaî and nlon protessional, worc the ciglsîv or 5su lo)vely day time andtVCli< ,>Us coats, sUits, and liais 'dîomi, tirli-mg Ille courtesy of I.ordJ's dvîsar-1îleil nt store. Anmong thie iodets, Nom arc flienibers of Shawnee cl> or()jthie t-il- 'dr-no iibers. c -re Mis ha,>t the home of NI ss of Iivanstoni. The e-etiiiig. %vas Miss re, and assisting. lier ert N. Burclicre, Miss Dora Bmrrows, 'ensosi. Thaniksýýiv-iio Ilogel tea ti for th a Rc -NIrs. Mrs. iami H.L E. H. * .ogerî viil 1w >iU of Evanstoit rissey of Hïghl- Airs. Jo/lis I>uqle 'Pl, liuston, ikhwas Joite Niosîsaîs of W i/ielle i'<for'<' ler ili<rrit.iqt' S. iýith ta Chsi- irg.i ..m t a n44>5U E Iii<tte. Miss Hall mîodelc<l first a >iiit oi importeil tweed with Persian trim) and a liât trimnîiied in Persiati, andl theu a Molyncuix tunic in rcd crcpe. andI à silver- fox- trirnmcid coat. La ter shie sliowecl a grecen inetallhc cocktail dress, a cocktail dress. with nietal cloth blouse worn ùnclver a f tir. coat. 52 WILNIETTE L 1 ME