Gray Stover will be tuarried Wednesday evening, January 5, to Dr. joseph Andrew Forbricb,, son of Mr. and Mrs. FrancisA. Forbrich of Riverside. Enter- tainiing in her honor begins Sat- urday afternoon this week, Mrs. Alva Sowers and her daughter,. Miss Jane Sowers, will give a hosiery shower and dessert bridge at their- houle, 45 Warwick avenue, Win- netka. Other parties, for which dates have tiot been set,,willak -pae duùring the Christ a olidays. The Rev. John Dutsmanin'of Glen- 'view wilI . read the wedding serv- ice at 8:30 in the evening at Sacred Heart churcb. and following the cere- Fond du Lac, wis. 3Miss Mancimelli, af ter attending Northwestern unilver- sity, eutered the Northern Illinois Col-. lege of Optometry, f rom which she, as well as ber fiancé, was graduated. Assisting ini receiving at the reccp- tion, and pouring at the tea table, were Alpha Gamma Delta sorority sisters 'of Miss Mancinelli at North- Western. Es Eag@ged Thse engagement of Miss Mary Jane Curtis, daughter of Mrs. Ray- P 1non 1. '. ,rts, and prou dds;ati er ti Mr. and Mrs. L-:dzfard J. Mc- Ardle of W./met te, iv Richard iL Ne/son. twas recen t/y onnounced l'y her mot/wr, w/sa lives iChsica go. Mr. Ne/sonp is the sonS of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert U. Nrelson of W:»n-. iea. Thse tvedding wi/l take place short/y alter Easter. Bette' jane Breit, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.,Fired D., Breit. 1030 Ridge, avenuie, Evanston. formerly of. 422:.Essex road, *Kenî1lvortb, wben she becomes, thé bride of John Barry O'Keef e, the son of Mr.. and Mrs. John, *A. O'Keefe, on Tbanksgiving, eve. The cereniony vv'ilt take place- at 8 o'cloèkWdnda nigbit, November 24, at St.. Nich;- olas church ini Evanston, witb the Rev. William J.. Mocken- llaul)t officiatang, and wvilI be fol- loivcd1-by àa1réception 1at .the BAreit home. .Miss Mary Frances O'Kcefe, sister oi the bridicgroom, wjil-ho.the. mai of holor and serving as bridesrnaids arc Miss Virginia johnston of Kenil- worth, Miss Patricia O'Shaughnessy of Chicago, and Miss, Geraldine and Virginia Breit, sisters of the bride. Anti Harrington, the smnall daugbter of Mr-. and Mrts. Philip Harrington of Chicago. bas been chosen flower -irl, while Blle Reynolds, the son of Mr. and, Mrs. Harry Reynolds of Bride-f*.E. Koehne Photo Mrs. William C . Hasd- cafio apinotince the cil- and Orrii ly of becai S aturdIay atternoon, Miss Breit and Mir. O'Keefe wiIl be guests of bonor at a tea to be given by Miss M ary Jane Morrison at ber bomne in Kenil- wortb. Miss johnston, one of the bridesmaids, is to be hostess at a spiflster dinner for tbe bride at home the evening of November 21. and Mfonday eveninlg, NOvember 22. Mr. and Mrs. Breit will give the bridai W LM ETTE L-1FE ~1