vvelare society oft Lhicajgo is SponIsorinig in die 6('1 drooin of the Con'gress hotel. Saturdav, evenling, Deceinhler14. Tlhe "Big Apple,". as the event is called. is, the centcr's animal large party. Ainong those who already have eni- gageti places at the, supper diance ýarc -Mr. andi Mrs. Gustav-Schwarz of ."innetka, who have mlate reserva- tilis, for îwelve ; Mr. anti Mrs. .C. K. Sanders of: Kenilworîhl, for a group of eigbt; Mr. ant iNIrs. Minlier, Sargent of WîViièneka, for ýtell the John Tittlcs of Winnetka, for ten; >.lr. anti Mrs. Charles Henry Gibson of Winnetka, tell; Mr- anid Mrs. LEd- munti W. Burke of, Wilnîiete, tel): .%r. antid' Kenneih Thomas 'of Evanston, tell; Mr. andi Mrs. Patîl Baidof. Geoe .4t.ell; Mr and11 ris. George Emncry of Evanston, tell: r.andi n:Dale MecCutcheon of * Evanistonl, ight; Miss Dorothy Soin- ers oi Evanston, eight; NIr. anti Mn. Earl Burr of Evanston, tell; Ar. auJ NIrs. Richard H. Clinton, Jr., of XV7iI- 'net te, twelve: AIr. andi Mrs. Ellio ti Aytielott of Evanston, tell; Mr. aud Airs. Curtis B. Woolfolk of E--vaii.s- toin, tell; Mr. and Mn's Krowles il- Starreit Alumnae Tea ansion andi North Shore alurnat. o' Kappa Alpha Theta on Wdedî N\ove:nber 17, at 1 o'elock. 1Mrs. Lyle Fisher (Shirley L.ar:oîî i arecent graduate of tlh eJwo . m11usic of Nortbwestern ni erIlv whiere sle., was a mneniber ofthéu Cappella cor wl lay h pit. andi sing. Tepresident, NIrs. H.l, Mforrison.. wiII presî;de at- 1hnsnt The luste ico Cohuiit( o i day isheade b~- rs., LéoCtîîe. with Ms.C 'M. Bakeri Nirs. Wle Mrs. Jflicil H. Colfilis ali NfMr. Works for .1ei 'l'ti respinisibdu vy of titc chair- for thi, hir p/c bali l bivt,'îîby N\OrîhttCISh rn Uniz v'rsitiv alumni FidJftal*CVflIl N.oi's'nb'è-Il),,re<ss wil 1lIrs. Jameî.s S. Withcr<i-,.21() XiiII 111111.'l. hiPri. 1~ *~=~~1 irire %voinen wcrc namcd as a coi-- înittcec b arrange for a tea hied. rtuesla%,of titis wce.The, vi-vr Mrs. '%Waltvr W. Koibc. Mis. Carl 1. Johnson. anmi Mis. Fraunk N. Atiarns. At the tea. given inthe c beamifll .Iîgrooni of te inci fraternitv A bolingluîweon.tht.first oi .1 scries of IiI)lt111v affairs.. W vil] bc JieI<I at I a vî ~ ? î ît cl> .at .i OocI'> ICk xt Nfoîd* a tcrti<><,î. f'h irst i itihoti i schediled for Ilc tliird \oja of, thIlevni l 0 Il h. a;md îeeft.cr hie .11 eetîng day -l h e icecù1nd Nloid;tvof te lit nîont tg b rin g tg . l. î er aI i.*e ' q î , î the nîetnlbers oft hie rille %w >mlcn's l)Oliig tanî aIShawflnc Nvhic1î are day and Fridays. Tue eans organ- ,yej in (, -a lcaguv. l>nmv1 tm-o.1< nr-, lîa mvut-ý .atnrallv. ,Lach tiraeî nis fo)r thiirteci weat i is of tlic se wil close t1ic Iîui<dl c Of laîmnarv.luiý1f o f 1.tI'lites pfli gie v , M- n un Ii. Iý tî I lle .f e Sappic-en tIitt-<1.itFrank-lin Mh ei(tto Arthuî J r -ak(m e'il... k.Iu onl- àn ahi> Xi ib I-axbl..id. NI loî- \V. t Iii <an -ti G o f. s.ha<. I s t,( 'd 1 Beard t hc 174.ia wîîh a score of 205.- '[1w gut-al cehair-Itiai ef i)(~. 'V. ..>k of Evaln'toil aiuul NI r-. lP. R. Lippint'ot.t . U~iîî.t~ àni( 1unbc.:r 'PIU V; 111 Supervises Tec lit Pliecte. WILMETTE LIFX t