WNoman's Club of Wilrnett e pre- sents Vogues of 1937-a fashion extravag anza in t hree acts.. The Time-FalI'of 1937,, No-î vemnber 13, at 2 o'clock. The Place - The Wilmette Woman's club, Tentb street and Greenleaf avenue. The cast-Miss Janet Benson, M4rs. Grace flutz (Mrs. Weston), Miss Louise D'Esposito, Miss Alice Dona- hue, Mrs. Hazle Ellmore, (Mrs. W.- Austin), Miss. Margaret Harris, Miss Anti Henderson, Mrs. Meta Jensen, (Mi. 'Charles: M.), Mrs. Rlp C Jennings, Miss Carol Lawrence, Miss Myrtie Lundquist, Miss Elsa Miller, and Miss Katherine Weiss. -i During the intermission, bridge has interesting prizes., for each table. Fol- lowing ihis preview showing, refresh- ments will be served ini the lobby. The sponsors of this Unique oresen- i nhe xolowig niembers ~ re hostes5ses at the tea:- Mrs. W. E.; SMontrose, Mrs. John Miliett, Mrs.: SE. R. Benson,* Mrs... Paul Rensch, Mrs. Leaurenice Tower, Mrs. F. S. Yantis, Mrs. C. W..Robb, Mrs. L. E. Mee. Mrs. Cecil Merrifield of Wilmette will give a musical pro"ram. Mrs.. Merrifield is a graduate of Welleslei and of the Cleveland Institute of ,Music. At present she is studying. with Rudolph 'Ganz. The board of the Wilmette center will hold its monithly meeting on the sanie day at 1 o'clock, at. the Wil- mette Wota's club. Mrs. J. P. Hoesli, sewing chairman, and Mrs. Howard Miller, chairman for the an-' nual phiianthropy sewing day to be held at the Woman's club January 7., wil .dïuss t e e.ln Patrons for the Purpie ball, to 1)e lild by Northwestern uni- vërsity alumni on Fridav ev- ning, -Novemfiber 19, at, the Drake liotel, %%.ere, annou need Saturday bjy Ars.. .James. S. Witherelî, chairman of the general conm-, mittee. The patrons are:- Mr. and Mrs.. Kenneth Burgess, Mr. and 'Mrs. Mark Cresap, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Fetzcr. Mr. and Mrs. AddIýson Gardner, M r. and Mrs. Robert W. Hyini, Mr. and Mrs.ý Jamesi S. Kemper, General and Mrs.ý Nathan William MacChes- ney, M r&. Levyr Mayer, Mr, and Mrs. john J. Mitchell, Mr. and Mis. Theo- dore Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Sargent, President and Mrs. WVal- ter Diii Ssptt*,,r, anis:. FanI4lr Synder, M~r. and Mrs. Silas Strawn, Mr. and Mns. Harry Wells, Edward Foss Wilson, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Windsor. Alread )re than 200 reservations .ceived for this niost im- ýt on the social calendar ;tern alumini. The res- is limited to four-hun- The Purple bail is spca:sored joint- ly by the Associate alumnae of North- western university, of which Mrs. D. Bligh Grasett of Winnetka is Dresi.. on!-A. H. yguests, a ho returai -Illinois v rchiestra will pro- enitertaininent will Be- WILMIETTB LIFE I El di hi ul CI acts.