1,- ai aanrte te ti be arrangé,&- -r Season us pin ay be Ob tained bv telephoninig' Mrs. C. E. G. Tuthili of Evanist9n, the president of the ýasso- ciation, Mrs. A. B. Spach of Kenil-' worth, the secretary, or Mrs. Albert 0. Oison, a member of the Glencoe cern- The programi for the Barrère-Britt c(oncert, whicb .will be given by- Georges Barrère, flute; Horace Britt, -cellist; Mischa Elzon, vioinlist; Gerald. Kunz, iotand Jerome Rappaport. pianîsi. wîill be as follows: Conc-erto a Quatto0, No. 1 in D Nlînor......e ad (Flute, Violin, Cello, Pfiano) Op. 25 Beloj l3ntrata-.-Teimpo ordinario d'un mienuetto And.inte con var-laztoiAdigîo. Allegro, Vivace e diisinvoito (Mlute, Vialin. Viola>) Allemande In C Mvinor .......S h* Prehade in (; lMaor..... J. S. Baril Sarâsinde ineCMInor .,-- J. S. flieh Prelude in C Miajor ....J. Sk Bach <CeUlo 801o) Intermission urt on Sui)- ,ervilig as omý is ..;ilito congregatiolr )r 11~> of triurnpnis iin al phases ot musical art, hgilliig with light opera and continluing tihrOugih grandlf 14wrai Co ncert and radio. Hie as boénin NleMyers(lale, Pa. 1 .i:h 77 1, ftther %vas a . MN etlhodi.st mii.ster anl luhs inother an;acconliplishied y liùian ~ kThis- comibination of mnother, father and 011on constituted a trio wliich sn > -.:camp meetings at .wbich bis father preaçhed. 'The boy sang cvcrytlîiîu, froni sopranio to ba ss. A itthougil: is fathers d ti s r q i l :constanlt traveling, tlxw dIticali(I of IJohsn Charles %vas, not negleCtCd. recei%-c(l bis l)riffnary education iiIbU ieCthcy 'stoppedl.and.ti.s l ,aturâl ci tulcal>atity eiiablcd.hi, t<> sur- tllu)4uît dtis handicap. I le tof.k prepara- S tory sehlinilg at Çt>nwýav HaIl. Car- i4lsJ<iPla.. and it iu-aý thjertltli - t < un e ii nti cr c te d in n e l t i i n î l m) that frrter . hé fti d di é fiv .\fter lea.v nig (4î,wa v i nt r* M oulit Street ( l e e .t li'n~ q ah in *B alti, re , and s uo n usiii <t ' dî ar s h i 1 i to tl w f. u uî n % i i >) . îî c r to 1913. Ilis rbc1>Il isku i c hnt rcli m usic, I ~ t ~ h w î i' M tu t < ) s a v , " J ) l L b i h n î î d thurch m usic s ' tl e < a t o i r QuinetteVI Quitete....................n 'is Mrs. Gilbert A.ssez animé . hecI11o'clock Anime Au-ez lente . Monday tnorning Tres animéPalmer House, re iano, Fhite, Violin, Viola, Celin> the programs on Erna Sack, the December 13, .Juý Prograin Illustrates the Royal Opera fil ter. Tihe first of ýer 29, will preseut Lstar. Monjday, *ing tenor of the ei.it:li.. il, z '.., h appearedin Ail)ii Washington. Two days later lic married. Teilie brok-e 90) at a golf club. iil, Florida. lie cotlilted it a great year. There followeci a 'M' ani. tsUccesses &nd avne melits. flu 1925 the Royal Opera, Brussels; jin 192, Covent Garden, Londoi 1; in 1929-30, the Philafdel- phia Grand Opera,. the Sali Franicisco Opera' and the ("hicago.Civic Opera. AI 1il t'm rtr 11 nc WILM TTR LIFF