Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Nov 1937, p. 39

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o! tweïr cnuaren. W nat opportunities for -building a 'Well-developed body is your daughter finding in the gynmnasia and natatoriumi or on the atbietic fields? Actiivity is necessary for th~e groýwtb cf the child and well-developied andi bealtby bodies are buit by intelligently guided exercise and hygienic healti habits. In order to determine a student's5 health status, cach student is given'a medical examiflation every year. Accord- ing to the findings of this exarnination, the student is placed in Class "A," "B, C"or "D" Class, "A" students are in* excellent physical health and niay participate nli aniy activity., Class "B" students are ,Iigbtly under par and may partakce tbe regular physical education prograin but are barred. fronithtie more vigorous activities and mnost iofthte intra'nural spots. The students in Class 'C" bave sor.e physical or physiological defect wiiich warrants the cuitailing of their activity for tbe tiîne but it is feit that these sti- dents would be benefitted by participa- p,.,ia îg andiln w-nc iehe:. will continue. tu particapate a! ter iuhe has left the high sehool. Ail gamnes'and Individu.tl SPOIIS are- tauiglt fr-om the s5tandpoint or, well - coordiînated, bÙdY - mechanhes (efident'Y of xuvenienit> and controlled relaxation. A deflike effort ls made to acequaint the k3tudent wltb W knowledge of the technique, tactics, etiquette of the gamie and tu give lier an iatelligcnt interPretation. of the rules -tnd au ap- Prec.atilmof the ganie as a wholc. Social Dancing The rhythm program gAves the jstu- dent puise, -ire fundamentau under- -standing of rhythnr, and the use of the body a.- an insitrument to express it- ,eelf- Co-educationtal classes are: held. In social dancingW. I'uring one quarter of eaeh year. every year, every atudent participiate8 in developmýental exerclses whlch are graded An ditffilty froin fhù fremlima rme isaiso president. of the A'merican College Personnel' association. "Miss Amos is one of the outstanding 'deans of Women in the country. She ba.s had, an- unusuafllv rich and varied, experience for ber work i n any types of schools and colleges," it was stated this week. The North Shore Courntry Day school, 310 Green Bay road, Winnetka. wiIl be represented by Mrs. Julia B. Chikis, dean of girls. WINS DRAMA ROLE Popularity of work in dramatice at Carleton college led more than fifty candidates to courpete for the' six noles available in the finst production of the- ye-ar, George Bernard ýSha*'s., (Dyed Con") Ruvlan marnu $125 Rutian Pony lach Caracul Scw Zealmnd Muskyst Mendesa Dnver <DyedCmy Grey XrimmrCaracul' Black Caracul Slilver Mmakrat Lopard Cat Cent Grev Caracul% D'r'- Rrcon, y, Golden I4uI1#8 ohrSpetlals Xp t.oI lfrpatingand MMflmoiloiag Dote en Short NoiSe. care- cases, it is flt tirat every child uAl be able to iniprove berseif physically by participatinig:in somne phase of! well- directed and intelligently guided exer- cise. The uppermost tbouglht in the incins of the miembers of the depariment is what cati bc done for tbis cbild tii beniefit hier thre most at tbis particulaic7 tne and stage o! lier develonrnient., : .Noveimoer 19 and 20. . lli con ferelice is considering the subject -EFducation Adequate for . Modern oxen"The conference opens with a dinner. Friday evening, at 7 o'clock, at the Palmer House in B.d PiIIowsI '505 Dovis Sf~ Ave.. Iv.psfom-Uoeiv*muIty ~z ~IVa BiseAu .f Devis -~-4J#,. aag~ i Ave.. Evansfon-Univeraity 2502 SOS Davis St.

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