,--VT e principal injurv recived in the aniiounceu Mis w eek. iV ne Ive e Illinois. gaine vvas to Erwin N\Vegn.er,frtniesa heee onns veterau eente r, whio sustainied a îîow fraternities at Rollins annotnnced the on the leg thlat threcatens to keep Pledging of a total of 82 students. hjii out of the M1innesota gaine. Craig, a ires'huian student at Rollins, ShotIld thc lanky pivot man be unable is a graduate of New Trier High' to play lie Nvill be replaced 1)y Johin school. Others DitaIied- SeveraI other players including (Cataili Don licap, halfhack; Nick, (Lout .as', q larterb3ack, and M;\ike Cal-J vailo.~~ c t4Ia<I r beie i but arc (expet( l)e> ate to take oQver their places in the line,.up. * Th Wildlcats, will conicentrate 'this;J weeck on h locking, a funidaniental -in which they %vere decidedly lIax ini the Illinois gaine. Failuire tO block for the hall carriers disrnî>ted. the offense to such ail C\t cnt that thé teain wà> h~dto its smnalle.st yardage of thec .ye.ar. Abolit the 0111v conisolatli ior the I \Vidctsas îlicv conteîniplate theî conuing gaine is that Nrhesef iusuallv- rises to the hgtsagainst the Gophers. \\'1îet(hr this 1.svchio- lo-g1cal iactor %vill conipensate for a .haken iiorale and( l)lyical ailituents - remiListo lie sei. Rise' to Heighte IT%) ycars ago the \Vil<Icat, iii- ....Aý.1 X\Ii iniiâtIis -,vitli a teani that I OI>en Tuéwday, Thursýday and Saturday RVOIsingi 710 CHURCH" ST. 'GREenleef 3060 2écr tmnatin4 excusive with JOSEPH Lat vears gaine is ianiliàr to al joi>COf football. It saw the ild- cat> tl ct,,,re victorioli. , tf) o* 1 b)reakaN iîtawni g 1-.trk of> 21 gmns f( t>1ph. the < .oîdw(r, froni the national ;.es weilla, 1im. I e Tci \ow tlhe Gophers tvi, au<ini:it to avg~th al kmng. and. at the-allie tlune rutain mU. top lhght position un the racit. or the 1937 confetencte ttie.