Hs th tim aivrhty end ensu'uv .v.rv deg nos 0 Ideal Dog Food is plain, wholesosue, satis- fying food, scientifically preprnred. There is' no cdeap, uneles buILk Every ounce is&vper- charged with teri food value. Because Ideal lsa lt good food, les l required to satisy why auj leis popu Ait from Chester Jaehpie toi play thse part ol Bill Laidiato in the thrê'e act cornedy farce, "Tihe Mummy and the Mun>s" ta be given by the Senior Luther League of thse Iilrnette JEnglisk Luttheront church, Set'enth street at Greenleaf avenue, Friday evenipigi, Nove mbyr 12 and 19, ut I Thi$ will be the first appearance of a this comêdýf on the north shore, C VVit .mçca%4Ur m. DuNICCI, vv. j. uerwü. Harry W. Leighton. North Shore Cnuntry club bas iust, experi enced the fineqt vear in its bis.. tory, according to C. M. Hunt. sec- retary, who renorts an increase, ili play of over 30 per cent, and cor- resnonding Ïncrea ses in al ienart - mfents. Station -WTLL Now on Frequency of 580 Kil. Radio listeniers in th4 Chicago, area are -havine littie difficultv nom. in hearinq radio station, WILIL. at the University îof Tllinois. on its nP'ew frequency. of. 580 kilocvcles, aîrcord inz to reports at Urbana-Cbam- paign. Its new dial location perinits of .eapy receplspn in»tnostparts of 5 Illinois owns non-cômmer- roadcast sta- LL is on the t. m. to local *During the it leaves the mm lu.s 1~ i