Northwestern Wildcats, Standaàrd Red -Crown and kso-Vus'iD" 1tor Oiu SOTH GREAT TEAMS ____ Stop ot 591 Guw.. Byid. WI5390 Roloit va. Chicago On Thookogiving Ile Tiee t %e T.cIbdowin the 18 tesme in 9 j'am". Each of thefirs t "à.çsos broursed to the Wnme LiPE ofic. correct answenfrsO ~the neereat correct). wiII b. givena reerved'seat r.ticket t. the Northwestern- Notre Dame game. S ALL ANSWERS MUST REACH WILMETTE IF .W OFFICE (or bc post-marked) BE. FORE NOON SATUYRDAY, NOVEMBER 13. y- s y- s 1211 WILMETTB AVL. BILLIARDS POOL SODA FOUNTAIN LUNCH a Corne Enjoy Yourself Notre Damie va. Army TO LOOK'YOUR BEST- ~N~)k~Mon, Tues., Wed, TIlum Shampoo and Pioger Wav ... 7" Shernaoo and Marcel ......... Cyrillets BIEMJTY SIIOP See. us Firi for GUARANTUUD USID CARS ALEMITUE HiPressure Equpment NOVIEMBER 11, 1937