for team. Details on Special Christmas Offerj NONEPBI ETR ILow prices in F£Ject Only Uni i Dec1 ANO CEPBILCTR __ The Institute ofMedicine of Chi- cago aninouncesa public illustrated, lecture to be given hy Dr. Jamnes B., .",Wh"$ Yur FrderHerrick Friday evening. X overnber 19, at 8:15 o'clock in- Thorne hall. Lake Shore drive and E. Superior street, Chicago. Dr. H-erricks subject will be: "Ho,.% Knowledge of the FUmS l Heart and Its Diseases flas Devel- 710 Main Si,. Evn.s. UNI. 4900 oped." There will be no admission. S arge. OnIy WILSON RaCOU muas club, winning 6 tao..hile'the or Shore Second clu~b lost to the .varsity tcai of the LTniversity o0 Wsconsin,, to 1.Following the garnes at1di- i' son the visitors were. entertained* at a luncheon, at the Lathrop hotel. This week end the North Shore. First and 'Second tcams: go to Miiî- ivaukee to participate iïn.the mid- i -~wcst tourniament. Otlwr teams ,com- peting will be Chicago First and Sec- * Mis Ru/i ~ond. a St. Louis teanm, and miefrn Mila, aukee and . Madisoi.. Ianc. lIVimiedka. a senior ai Nort'z- l'hie First and Second .Mîd-we%ýt z et ,s receîît ly clected to Ph1.j telams %will lw announced at the close Befa Kappa. national iîonorar y so- of the NMilwaukee tournainent to reî,- cit.Sitelias bccn a group leader, resenit this section 'ini the, national iwlts <'n th(, ç(pizo)iore 'oiiiImIfiisi iJtournainent. %vlicli wilI *be held at and cc~dclass lwnors i;n JoS;ý Indian HliIl, 1eginnxing'l'la iiksgiving '31)d(OUI day anid cointinuing tlirotugh to Suin- 4d ay. .P1~~Iay_ 11begin ev.r nrnig 1 iss (oale is on the student govern- at 10:30 o'clock cointining l,-'thtoughi itig huard, vas co-diairman of Dads' out Ille daV. dav. is 'a menjher of Alpha .arnbd)(a D)elta, Alethenai. and president (À Delta Clîristie., Dr. I'atl Dr~-, ).G. ('iiiî- Ganima sororitv. \Vitli the presîdknjts niock, D)r. F. Geniitur aid lPr. C. ,if thirce other sororities,, 4ie ill talk 1,,e1) over the radio ou Monday, Novemiber FwInatXVTh( ih- ari. 15, at 2 p.n. over station \\-JJD, on 11 ,ail tlîrougli the. year, with 1-)r. "Advantages of C euctinl" N-. G. Siw eitrca,'icharge.. ,4ttUtio11. Miss Coale is a New Trier! Highs- ollrdat. 1 T he..t cliinic olperatcs aIl vcar Todav. Nv - Isice ay.thie or eye ciis C/mEcrs Thîe eve cdmn ber 11, being Arrn- will be no dental opened on October H. Henderson in toher 22. Follosv nioving. picture, ow,"was sliown. ve an dr~ c Ilîghi school. Fridav, Oc- is, addircess a îid thel Shiau-, A ileeting of the (hiîîsSa conmmittee, of whicli Alhert A\. Mc- Kviglian is cliairmnan. ment Friday at the Heahth Ceter. 114