1!1ýy say wnen the fat question i,dead1 Is il bard t0 see whlo pays' the ra- il 'iimett e. feiht? Flats aresit dead and the%, never Udutd~ nioeîgvrmn wilay edbcuefa ao catscsts tbe citizen iess-titan a disbionest haethe profit. motive.. Tlidise nw10onie. Does asnyone doul>t that ait lion- want Rag4ýt eicr. be a setosdi orest goverument is more naturai to a builing tobuid-inbot caes i omie owned town titan to one with a jprofit to themiseives. Tlhc speculative large number ai *asily slbiftimîg flat dollar miay retire. but 'it stever lesdwlr? -ýitzr1sFlats-;hum soft eoal.Hoe u WLy Flata incaeas. Taxes cleaiter fuel. >tft coal s-moke inakes It.is common knovledge that flats tte. home owner paint ofteiier aifd increase the scitool.load, the fire load cleant drapes- oftetier. Ih dirties, the and the police ioad more than their ait we breather andl thus make, less ,taxes amnount to.ý The:deficit ispaid iiealthfui. living. for b3' bigger taxes oni single homtes. Have we pr<>ved thle.,i eadhlîi.i of il IRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, cETS mu Tentb Street and Centr.al AvenueI Sunday Services-i i a.m., Wednesday-Testimonial Meeting-8 p.m. Sunday çx-hool Exercises-9:45 a.m. Science Literaturc unay bc rca wi 1 11t1euawm anau merest pai by monthly paynîents over.20 y cars. WVould the yoting fýolks bay theni? It may be dloùbtfi if under ,thé ToWns and V'illages, act wve could 1ledge municipal credit for rîoiting. That wouldn't miatter-a way could be found. If thiere be losses, better pay for homes tItan fats. The open spaces of our asitex ed areas are broket backed With a% sesS-7 ments we did have the lav to. saddle upoti them. Whv- not try to tese sotue of titis over-assessed. land for ~ois homes if they are needed l bi-,fli Younîg marriedsr rhie Blighted Zone %Inch concersi is expresse(i jroperý- ly for the decadent zone îîext tO busi- ness. Suppose iii the future we arc always as careful to keep busnes up to standards of beatuL - nd cleIaii-, -0 s1 CO lookc at the cPur e bOusta- tion on Green Bay roadl just soutit of Kenilworth station (it ,il, î WiI- mette) and note the nice. honse bulilt almnost across the stcet f roi it fit Kenlilworth. Note the Standard Qi! stationi 1,\\innetka av-enue anud the hotîse rielit next fo;it*t.,,ý and ail other authorizei chrlstisn. purçiiasçd at te Readinir Roon. TUE pliBLIC 13 CORDIALI.Y INVITED TO ATTEND TUE CHUuuucn SERtICE AM%-191ST TUHE READING ROOM It should by lnotucail, suies.arv thte conitinuuit%ý tb make godthe ;es Of owners' on old properties r bit sssectiou, anv more 'l'le collmittee having thie revI sion of the zoning ordinance and the commnittee of the board having build-, ing code. revision. in hàtid'should kee1> the public informed, of changes tbought about through the columins of VJMIELYire and by speakers before the various, citizen's organiza- tions. Then When -a public, meeting and liearings are fiuîallv held an in- forrned citizenry cati express its will. Experts mighit be-calied ini. A greaàt univeisity) lias a >5-year cour 1'se on city planning and administration,, Sup- pose its* theory- and pl anning wert called upon to throw light into ouIr twilight zone? Even dloser at ,hand a nd, always fair, knovvingý and whiing is Robert Kingery of> the Chicago Re,- gional Planning commission. A Job for the Haamony Conveiti n WtlïWlmktfgtt i¶e ànnistràtioIiicafl upon the H-armiony conventiotn as a citizen.s' commnittee to share its rc- spotîsibilities to the~ village ini finding the best thing t<)(1o in zoning. re- vision of the building Code, parksand playgrounds and like jobs. T'le few% people colistituting the, board of tris- tees an(l other board:îsbsould îlot bc asked to do ail tihe sacrificing. \Vil- mette is fu of ability ii business ~ad- town-tt eatifuitl trces. our nifleent beach, 'our. schoois, our diitess f rom i eing tieiglhbnr. y coine becatise the%- wattt to get y fromi condlitions that flats brcêd. )ever heard of a new home owner Timette advocatiing fats? Is there to speak? They. cone. becauise want to enjoy home life of the to be foid lbere. Let's i<eep it way and trake it better. -D p-rt. NovF.mBiîjk