ing IUIIUwiJ1g mA. zne rpot tilt 'tore~ thanked the members- of the Chamber Litg and Stor-front compmittee- of Commerce for their keen interest in'f A. S. Van Deusen. and ýStéPehe local: civic matters and gave assurance SiIlnk .that he was ini heartyaccord with akig rafnaclpvmetcm forward-looking mi.easures that sought initteýA.t.C Vol f, A. C. L.ynch, and the constant improvement of the coin- tRtt -dln(lrl oimte .M munity. He infornied the meeting of a! etadlnlr oilte- . forthcoming conference of civic groups . olilistti anîd V..C. 1-ugginis. representatives at whicbhle hoped. to« - receive suggestions of tiames of vil- Mr. and Mrs. Harold '1. Hefter aànd lagers best qualified to. serve in advisory their two children, Mickey and Joannie, capacity in discussiôns pertinent to re- 'have moved from 1241 Greenwood ave- výitalization of existing zoning and build- 'nue to 885 Sheridan road in Glencoe, the, ïng regulations teo make feasible impera- formler hiome of the Paul Cougelmans. oo subscribers. -Genevýieve Whitmnan iChairm'an, Artists' RecJtai Coni-. The nex-t, Artist-Rcci 'tal will be. given by John Charles. Thomas, baritonie, Mfonday evening, Deccm- ber 6. The recitals arte hcld in New Trier J¶igh school auditorium. Tomi Livclv. 1511 Cenitral avenue. re.turnied froîi the U'iver-sitv of Illi- nois last week-end with a group of students to attend the N. U,-IlliWi game. tfr. ,~ 't4 e,> ~ Th e Tremendous Response Muis sale luas r.eceIv. enucourages us to contineue for a limlfed f*1..oft fese U'heni fullback Dick Wagner pas.sedj over riglit end to Arigo 'Marchiii hialfback, for a New Trier touci)- down , li the opcning minute .s againstý .NVa;ukegàan, it looked like the 'trier- ites'. daY. wVaukegaiît ook advalitago.. ot sé c- ond string substitution, bhy~ - Trier to roll down~, th.e ficlid té score about .a -inuite beforc tlict close of the first: half.. Thu lhail actually e ided just as Tomn Carnvv-% iade a clever, side-liie rmn after blockccl pulnt. Many Subetitutes *Bubby" ChanéelIo r, rçsedà'e bac k fimed man, performeid niCely-, as dici ~Iiln D)eWey and Jaék Dav-is. Coachrù Aschienbach -and Caton followvcd tîmeirý reccently,-cstablislicd precedenlt of stu),- stitutjiag freely, aimninig, no doul.)t, at g&-ivi~Ig ast yer's., laer a mlilçh experience as possible. Thlen. tou. injuries aremot :so frequent wc the boys arc given occasionial rs Utii the third quarter. the gate( prgrssdalmost ecnlv. Thcun i fake plunge vihchli vloediltu ;i back-pass and a subsequent end run resulted in six more points ior \Vau - kegan. As, ini the first case. thit- mv for point %vas tiot good. St\1-e points ini the last period ended th( CL EA csul carnpaign vil1 der-ranct lt froin tIis meeting. It isexetd year after v'ear, that thie.suc. i "point" for this ganie, and a 'vIn puits the lucky. scliool -on toep- for a year unitil the whistle openl>- nev ~ S encouinter. guests were I v E R sn d