cussion hy the board of truistees for the past 14 nionths, ever 'since heavy r:inîs in Septemblerof last ycar, plus an ob- struction luinthe Keniilývortb ditch, Crom- liifiecl to Il(o(l :alnmst ev ery cellar, in the The ordiliance. as piassed hy the trtis- tees. calls fo'r a bond issue of ait anout tiot f0 excced $34004), but this cost t") the village 1is t10 be redtced if preset plans t<. (ý)bîin federal assistance are Sewerage Fois T1he bond niaî¶rity and interest :will b)e met. ait(! a dIep)rtciationi fund createil.i by à sewerage fée to bhe lvion cverv water cnumrin the cvillage, hased. upon the aniount takieî front thevillage mpaa,îs. lelinqueicy ini sewer bills, as lit %vaer bills, it was explaiticd, will con- stittute ai lien against the propcrty. D ate for thte referendumn will be set at ait arljhtnrYti nmetng of the village board :wxt .i Niay v eiug, and it was indicated tlîat soine day near the Christ- mas and New N'car holidays would be Selected. A towii meeting, to bc open to every citizen ni flie village, will be ealled soon, it was stated, and at that timie flc entire pr4qect will be debated and ciscussed. Speciai Election 'The Kenilworth advisorv coinil, con- Colýt. Frank Knoxr, cillinent pub- lishér and candidate for vice-presi- denti o!flthéUnit cd Suites ini the mos! recmit niationial élection, will <ddress the ew Trier Sunday Iwe--éniniiiclubi'ait' Trier Igh sclîool X'ovenibler 7. iCoiloiiel Knox's si,*ta t , i ll c. n r ic- lEducatioiî Asso- ciation." Archie W. Troelstrupý, D.Ur new ,nember of the high school faculty, will, also b)e on the prograrn and will speak on "Social Studies Units ini the lthb and 12th Grades.'.' Police Nab Youth Who Annqyed Girls A Young mian, who,. according to WVilmette police, confessed to accost- ing Young womnenonvillage streets, wvas apprehended Fridayeeigad subsequently turned, over: to the »ivenile court. During the past f ew weeks tbe polce department bas received num- 'Ju.vw villages 0K New ri fl township, Wilmiette, Kenilworth, and Glencoe, al of whom bave similar traffic problems. Mrs. Alfred Brittain, jr,, 238 Ridge avenue, and Mrs. George C. Getgood. 1003 Vine street, Winnetka, Were almost inîtantly kdlled wben the car in which thbey were riding was struck Saturday evening by a special train at the busy Pine. street intersection. Tbey were re-- turning f rom a Hallowe'en party at tbe Winneîka Community House at which tbey belped to entertain 2,000 cbildren. Reviews Worh At a meeting of the village council beld on, Village Presi-, dent William Brooks, Moulton reviewed the' steps taken over several years to compel the North Western and North Shore lines to separate the grade cross- ings. The plan most favored liv the New Payinent of gir Realty TaxeSto nr% Start Saturdaythe re- *vcac .bi meH U4 1V IIqvinae JuncIILu cau hy the resignation (if Trustee Chase MT. L.ove. The terii the new truîstee will cx- *.pire in .Apnrl. 1941. REPORT ON CONTAGIONS * The Wilmette Health department reports the followmng communicable disease cases for the weel< ending October~ 30: Scarlet feyer, 4; inumps, inI the First National banik (if Vin-fi netka, 793 LElw street, is open 'front 8 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. and on Satturdays 1i fromn 8 o'clock mail noon. I TO THE