* ~in the Village uof .rn,,awou as * zelluws. 1 ut- the flrst 120,000 gallons. of -water regilstered per aiîiUifl . a chargeOf, 27ýceets per 1,000 gallon1s. For alilOver- IU0,000 gallounàg of' water rigàsterd e annuni, the sm of 22 centw per 1,000 "dalons. Theminlium charge for any serl se. VIce Per qlurter shahi be $2.25. li an any tinte the rates ut- charges hierein fixed shail not ho suffit-lent to pay the cost of operating aind maintaim- iithe metverage -;Ysteii, to provide an adequate depreciation fund, and to pay the principal of and Itterest upon ail the sewerage revenue bonds, payable out of the revenue of thes sewerage syz- tomn, lssued by.'theo Village of Kenil- worth, County -eo Cook,, Illinois,, Whlch May be then outatandilng. théo Village Board shall forthwith increase theraten llxed yti ordinance no that the saine shali be sufflcent to p rovide ado- quat revnuesfor gaa dpmrposes., mani ouly three rnonths away f romn bis native heath. Excitane Teacher Hére. Frank P. Johnistone arrived in the United States last. August. .from Ayr, Scotlanid, for a year as excbange li '- structor ini Englislt at' New Trier High school. As a.past president of t he Ayr Repertory' Players. and a di- rector of student plays at the Ayr Academy, bis borne school, hie broughit with hinm a background of experience in comînunity dramatit:. which made hlmn an attractive pros- pect to the' Winnetlca Drama club whnit set about Itô cast.the first play' of it s- 19372'38 scason., withhOIds Anwes -What do you think of Anierica? is a stock quiestion for a reporter t any rate, as he returning home ; an many a foreig ithan many an in New York, lie g" that city bel iicn~ ed <Iuaifed todies.4mr ica. inot gesneral, that is. Iii cer- taint partic.ulars. 'tes. 1Its local. tlieairicals and 1k seolfri- stanc. Wcrk Under Hanadicaps pUttilng on a commnityt play ini Scot- tanid and in , \Vinnetka?"lie as .asked, whlile .waitin.- for the hgn spent tel ,raflîe as Iligliifor the evcpiiig, MeDaniel Candy C. o .. .. I ..4 Boulevtrd Dru% i %viîmttc. Bowvling AIeY ..... 12 11-1 K 0F C LEAGUE£' 111 the North Sie , K. of C. Nao leagLie, the ()milomtte: représtiitatives caine houle with luire thai their shiare, fif thec lauirels. > paced hvy Phil Bleser. wh> jîttng b er g; - nes of 278-202-279 fiïr the re- iarikable series total of.758, antd Gcorge Bleser's <21,series. flic hon>me teaM to ok tuoi 7ain.esfroinithe egu-adî Bronison ,counitcil,. Th4 Oulniette teain had gainies u>f 9(75-914-1079 fo'r a ýtotal oif 1.96î8. The op-to-date standinig of the e tai,î in the pulinette coulicil 1Jg1W, fuiü>s Hirks Kriei ...................... 5 lVvott.* l4ivater...............I et %Ven1tt trtwian............... ý. . I Frannk Meer,.................... iî1 7 Shiykontek Survict,.............1 9 River Insi.... .......... .......S10 Sohaufi-r rTav *rn.............s Alten %fortic*"....... -.........711 Cn.rsBm tîr...............7 .11 Bungalow T;tern............... 7 Il Acé Mtotors.....................; 1 - Evnso faxi-f1~s......... ..12 duty to a flritisher, .accordang to M1r. ofaehrslf"TtBho Ilage joistone, they remain an awesone 111s19eOfaehc "Nof oThvery mucb JSlspctale difference," he said7'-Ecept that in nelc- At the Fals he mnieatarily got Ay"lie added, "we don't bave the mIies back into the empire by crossing and-___ _ accommodations you. enjoy biere. WC il of blcnne nht don't have an auditorium like Matz tion, o)nC. period a iveck of Bible in- struction is required of ait, students. Such a curriculumn leaves ltle tinme for other studies. Among the fe%% elective subj.ects are art, Latin and Greek. *scnooî is opcnced cach assembly l)eriod prayer, and the ,na*n G e enters from door up 1. c."