?~Ionth I 381.1' N26- I tii 140 FOR RgNT-BYOftESS OFFICES ,Ex cellent ,oall Aye± Ual 12s. Fiu.Il.lo: 1401T.N,,Iti j - FOR W .M L T'îTE $pitrkli tig wthîtt.-te rit . î a fitel-K~. luit . ad l i, . > . i i t'.1 . 1 l n\îyt c nd , i eF V 1,: 1 y. . COSk,T'., îIN , i bîy. at.E t' i wiz îî.xI l1 . _ -.-.: 1.1( I~ s. - ... .... ~¶1înn.-ka I 7 Uî1 17asTy t;' MOIit IM E. X>110 'K '1i1sYluut 14'I, àIl i1.. 1ut ii î- t- t Hi1g .-I '.tî.îîd. (i ict . Igi .. t--1 titek î'e,% i v~ a Ilu.- - ItilIs., : IL, h. * le[ta-!n% , le;(>,. gii 1t-a.\ i tai' ea i .t i t i l l i Pt îet i ~ taul îî,--zî i I is FJE 1Road 501 or 968 liatk a~s.-s hake thw: 6 room Eniglish t p.* '.hli~pàt-iIlt-d brick, one of out >utîaa'Il Va 1uebs. 3 bedrns., 2 baths, tIx. toi.: lav;, break. ro r, garage, l.- W. oilh hea»t. In.spection:by appoint- in#u it. 'JAKE OFR liU>L'lm GOD -DUTC 0CL. b.-dnus, I /~ hths.Jloted suri parlor :,ltl pua, ig )j-cli. Large wooded lot. l,,-tîl.tî ant pi'od huy.at $10,000.00. 7:5 ~In ~-tttt-tWinnctka 15 I 47LTN2f)-It>- IN 1,K.ENILWVOIZTII OARDEN>ý: $12,000 b-us ts 6 1,00111 *"pr' )l*ýCol- oial __ c(,Ilt!ëyrevondi- .1 i<ititciand acctrt- glazed porclu 2-vai- gar-age; at lids-capîng. EasýY terns. -NI['.Ford. 7:-l En~ t V tan N lit. 2700, ttî aI . -h. -'- $î.-aîîtli t .>I ' ptt - i :* 'Jl al SM ART & GO1EE, m î: > 4 ht--aia aiAv>. l'ni. 02S83 NORIIIBROOK AN A3l C".ECO-UNTIZY OME i , - i sttng* of 3iace- Goids beau- t ilulSlaîîaul>d.Tennis court, in- jrvî-ueitS.v3 ovi solid brick resi- .~ ehc.< ~ ledtOifs, leepinlg porches. iî~ 279 lil 608 R.-g. Pk. 6636 Buy This, House, AND WF XViIl Throw in the Lot Sounds too good to be true, but. reproduction. co0t of, this flouse would be $11,000 and that is what we are oftering this wide clapboard colonial bouse with1 sleeping porch', sun parlor and six rooms, 2% baths on beautiful wooded f lot. Cail u8 today for further information. W. G. RUGGOLES & Co. I1,;1Davis Street, -Evan1ston Uni. 6886 1101.'6886 WVil. 1660 i -IN26-Ilp bidian HfilClub TOWNSHIPWTAXES I(AMiBLINI-m ENt-IA4SH COLONIAL uit guil :;j rebeautifil ul ed itortcli and uccreation r>.>. IL.0Ow sn e r wtau t s ffteî-. (Il MjTh lomas W.G. R'GGLES & CO. 517 varIton R.B. W] 14 0 Green B %Winneîtka 3250D LKER CO. t4. Winnetka ugern Park, 7002 .~oDRN7 ROOM STUCCO BUNGA- low. Large living roon wlith frepiace; 1 îdoa;wooued lot SOxzOO;garage.. Let is u- h)w ou this hbirggiin t $8,000. ATTRACTIVE 6l ROOM BRICK AND> traîne colonial. Sun room; autoniatte beat. ggage; wooded east ie loca- tion. A vesy fine miodern home ani a goodl buy ait the reduct-d price of $12,500. R. M. johnston & CO. 3-lo Linden Aie. Wilmnette 444 est gardons leads f rom the ,tal, an garden rooni of this akttrative 10. rooni house. .3%. uatbs, chatinug l)Oe*1s Huse tor artistie and rie- lurit tA pet ple. Lot t i00-20. * 35,00, but wilI colisider offer. -Ma& IFullr r& Wi. ickard 7-16 Eini Si. Winnetka Winnetka 3603 or University 7444 - 147LTN~26-Itu Iii Private [<anc <'1IZMJZ«J WU-LTE FRAMNE Colinial of 4 bLroos, b-ths,4; larg~e sfloi;bot water heat. (mi large wooded lot. - ]naF & EWairnor -5 S. :;t . Jlbn., Highland PIk., FL Pli. 1865 apt ga I l'. Burke, 5-'2 Dav is Street Gre. 1855 THIS -5 I3EL)I.NRM, 3.-11 wierI1I Eng. Ot. buse-- i.. going to ne boughit by. barga lu humer . nder wortmi$27,500. No addrest KENIL- -i-s. old-; ne lucky ,oUO andý ing irn-. 2 car gilr. ,111 consider anY i-e; er. MisDurhatiii- L<S .REAL hinc.~ I ýjq E-ail1ton avi *Wii. 3740 (-e.P 14LT, -1 te Garage-: 1030'Ge~ila i-. 529 166 1