turc. comedy. Thirteen. .LuckyNuùber' for Dancng Beauties "Thfrteen's our luclcy number," sangý the 24 dancing beauties of Universal's *"You're a Sweetheart" today after they were requjred to make 13 costume changes in one day for back stage scenes featuring Alice Faye, the beautiful- blonde star of this picture. "Broken mirrors, walking under step- Iadders- to stay out of the, way, and thirteens--are ail in thse day's work for Us, " said one of the dancers. "As long as we work regularly-we don't caft how many changes of costume a day arc required." rick an d j ud~ SCanova. 'the en- *tire f7'niily. will M* enjoy this StorY, of a professional model who poses as a Society girl and is selected Sas queen of the Sartists' bail. Gail Patrick S o me unusual features and as- sisting artists add important and ini- teresting bits'of entertainmnent. red b \'ictor Fleming, with Spew- cer Tracy, Freddie Bartholomiew Lionel Barrymiore, Melvyn Douglas: and *,,ickey Rooney. V inlincL ~~,'q scr là . infé àti go te. The thrils <and chill.s tue, -ivih Jack Oakie's timystery' coiictdy- dramia, "Super Slctith' dont'gsL'cF1 to bot her his leadiing 1, y411R -Sýtlèrg erY P ,,uch . sl'e'jSshoà-m here, knitig betwreii sceises. Sidnecy and Joei McCrea. This dra- *matic picture presents a sociological prohlemn of life among unider privi- leged boys of a great, city. It is a sordid and tragic tale but is brilliant- l y acted by a cast of distiiwruishecl pictures. Lonudoitby Nmghbt.(MCM). Direct4 cd b1, ýWiliami Thiîcle, 'witlii George Mturpilný, Rita Job isçoli. Virginia Field,, Len G. Carroll, 'Montagus Love, Eddie QuinIlin, and J. MI. Kerrigan. This inurder mystcry concerns a re- porter slcuth who solves a scriùs of crimes. George Murphy plas tIhe part oithie reporter. Rita Johnson is the girl. and Montagu Love a wcalthyv bârrister. Maie a Wiah. (RKO). Dirccted b\- Kurt Neumann, with Mariosi Clairu'. Basil Rath boue, Bobby Breen, an(] Ralph Forbe. Beautiful scenery at a boys' camp is, the setting for this deliglîtful musical comcdy, highly recommended for its appeal to youngsters. The beautifuil voices of MNarion Claire and Bobby 11reen, the finusse of Basil Rathbone's actinig. and the comcdy touches, c<'- jertiy directed and photographcd. combine to furnishi an entertainn. film. Flitet -of Pech or ROAST YOUNG TURICEY Complèrte Dininer tIFV Ui Il'Au11YçUr.. (Columbia). Directed leta by Elliot.t Nugent, with Francis Ced- O0i 1y Ierer, Aladt-ie Carroll, and \Iiscila tiescrad~ Whichever Youa PreferI Auer. dci g tf Liglit, pleasant entertainment, fuill W h"lic h BOTTL!Do r CANNED of ciean fhuior, by a2 oid cstis %et ,011 Ille., Set.