ehur~ The tlnidw<ek ,tervle wlIIbe held 'w.<nedy e.venlng. at 8 o-clork. Wùe have belin ri tttdy "f ?eChapters of the BbOuWe wllAnke ;nè 1 with tc irst tuggéqtln lof thé Gcriiel. fotr , ur . tuly iin"xl: Wednpgdavy. Th'* pastort nvltec Yogi ta c qiszet ynur favorite chapteër, whleh wIli ho studied ýinttc t'urn. The exéclUtivet cOrmmttee Of tbe -WO- mal ccety wlli !cnnflcfr a tea th home of bmr. .J. T, Pon27 7*10 r'en wood. avémlie. f'rliay. Nn'e-mt)er i?, from ~ ta ! *r, " whlch ail th(> women. tre cc)rdially Inv-lte-d. TlhA Jujnior .-hoir NrU) rehearn'e Frida: afternnon ait the churc'h. The Adult ehnl' -1rhereFla evenlng at the church. M,%emW-rqhir';, lnEl.' s-Cb-t)4--l uir mty0 bp cecured durlng Nn'ovemlfrr ý"* )embrfrom Mrft. .rl Tj'w. 17Y Forest .aventiè. 'rhiq r<hurch xwill have :mn parIv înnrn-' in h e-rvie.- hîrd Noveber27. aM 7 olocl<, tunder thie anc1kf~ f te oung wp. St. A ugustine's I . Ilîliurt (arl.-t4mf,-rttr surid.ay »i iW '.tI.*fî%r'%il Uv inîcago premiere ot the Salzburg Opéra Guild which* the university'will sponsor on FJbruary 13,' ail accrount ,for the incrcased subscriptions for. the entire series. Ticketi Noiw Availaftble The Rachm aninoff concert, the Meuîiuin recital, and the appearance of MNarian Anderson are the three ; 1 ost popular events on the sertes,. universit%> sponsors report. A wide Cection of $10 and $12 series tickets. i> stili available, and tickets may now be purcha.sed at the Auditorium the- ater box office. l'le "'History andl Enjoyrnent of Msic" series was originatedý by Northwestern three years ago as a lnovel educational experirnicit linwhich a large ioop tlicater was engaged for a music app)recîatiôii course, enabling ý,ifei, oei-vtdsuyh fot of cclelhrated miusical stars. In the past two y«Cars, the series of concerts has beeri exl>atde( inluits pttrpose and is ow ofïjeruul h y Northweýtern uni- vrtvas. a cultural opportunity for the gcnerai jpublic. Northwesterin stu- (lenlts sttil înay receive classroom credit, T' ir atterding the concerts and n'l111i1 aadeui .requirenients. Mrs. Frederick H. Brooke, iew national president 01 the G.rl, Sconts, incli;des ini her list of am- bilions for the imovesnett a . lea They met at the Metflodistcnr promptly at 3:30 and were talcen to Marmns woods by Mrs. IL O*ghton who i with the egroup every week., and by Mrs. McCosh who assisted her with this particular Meeting. The previous week the Brownies bad4 planned their party and each was prepared to do her share of the work, .gathering wood and setting tables. The leaders made the fires and prç- pared cocoa. Brownies made tbefr own toast, spread it with butter and jaïn or peailut butter and had thefr .first experietice in 'cooking out of, doors. It was a pleasant introduc- tion to the out-door program' they will follow as Girl Scouts. a-kd Ii n~i~t s>..d U 'itt' ltIj>.tree .and 1'izto 1)e nanmed'for Ibis at i*îîthe. elumi hIl.j M1 .t ilF rga 'n Utta u s~x~ iiiî» .~,. geatuncç. aipi aupel. The I.ust- P gr tilW t .Imal$ iuiw1.'l. lIlgrei av he tercd~, Because the le't.ut tUe eiiti iS. TUi I Jle vc.Plnami(lHeuir. chestra is stre i Iî.îv"i ~siiiik~s i~ . itand Wof inil a la.1I ige att.<Uiic *l i. pî., current seasoi îîed,. I w'r i' ,r' Iwil include t "4 .ý ninig Ti iecordings Jd" JI]l l- Alq -- Symphony or- P.T.A.- rks of Mahler. irogram of the ohrofcideofp-sol ey K. French Moesofcirn fpesho r second sym- through kindergarten age, are invited il;.%. -';read .ottend1 the meetinges of the Pre- u1,I~. x. Kay Eleveil Ra.y'