Chryesaiitheanuai. ........ Bonniet Anthem-«"The $hadow of Thy W ng s"... ..Andrews ý . olo-BelahEdwards Offertoire Quartette-'*$Iug._ Aflelula Forth" tom Buek Organ Poetlude-Milegro. r .. Firat Sonata.... ...... medèesohai CALEIaAI Pla it TKWEEK Friday, Novenber Central clatie Abracadabra. Monda y November 8- 10:15 a. m*. Book Revlew and Current Events 7:30 p. an. Board of Trustees *7:30 p. mn. Church Sehool Faculty Tuemday, November 9- Coty Curtier circle 7 :3ù, p. mn. Cberch Cabinet and Council 7 :30 m> a. Csanptire Girls at the home of Dr. liazel M. Hodges, 701, For- est avenue 7:30 p. mn Boy Scouts, Troop 1 Wednesday. 1November 10-, .7:30 p. an. Boy Scouts, Troop 2 Thluraday, Noven>ber il- Themusc fr he curh W!! e a 1)a.m-Scond service, with Hoiy evening meetings areopeai to the public. foflws:Comniunion. OrAnh.-Telu. . .Gounod The foliowing divisions of the Wom-, Ceiean * ...........*' Aid MEETINGS a' uldwi et Tuesday, November Wings .......... Mlark Andrews Open bouse, ot, today, 2 p.i11 9: ()tetir-AnaielnAJuir atedlag, hoi p.rn irt10a8. Mr.S. E. Leeman, '1004 Oferor-AdateIn JnirWatbr1eaue .Fidy,8p.M. Lake avenue. Luncheon. Mlnor ..... i ..... C. P., E., Bacils Finance comhmittee, Friday,. 8 p.m., Second-10 a.m-r.C.ALnbrg Sol-i l!)Lit u Mie Eeswith V. H. Suhr, 722 1Twelfth street. I1610 Elm'oeid avenue. Lunoheon. Unto the Hlii!.......... MacDermid Children's Christian Education classes) 1aourth-10 a.m.-Mrs .F eiJ. (Mr. Rigler> Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Wednesday, 4 p..s61 WshB*onavnu. LnewisJr. The omens Guld vl!1met Mnda Aduit catechumen class, Moxiday, 8 Sxth-10 a.m.-MNrs. A. H. Fue»ssie, 12 anoraing, November 8,at 1 ook. p.m., ln the pastors sti*dy. Highland avenue. Luneiéeon. .5'2 The work of the gulld la for the benefit Young Mothers' circie, Monday, 8 p.m., of good causes ln whicb the women of with Mrs. M. H. Sefert, 305 l7th street. the charch and the comanunity are ln- Voiing members, Tuesday, 8 The Woman's Alissionary s oc iet y terstd.AI wimn f enlwrt fotreport of nominating and fnance com meets Thursday, Norvember 11, at the otherwisé engaged on Moadays are ln-Imittees. 1 church. Prayer clatie at 11l ocioek. I3usi- vlted to cornein, for as much timfe as. Evening circle, Tuesday, 8 p.m., wlth n eus and program ah i1:30. Interesting they can opend. ..V .Sur 72Tel1 are higu-ghts from the various meetings Youwil 'fndartcle sltale or Children's circle, Wednesday, 2 p.m., oftzoraIation* (B3raaicb, 1District. Christmas gid artic.sls int,1a able w or he.Siehei20 etsand National> vil! ýprecede a tàlk on, Chrstna gftson'sièinlidBaa L aeneth rC hao. 8igos, 00Etsthe intimate Incidents of "My Trip- by at the .Women's Gurid aDaniaenue, hicago Wedneâday, December 1.ron Th j M.Daeltekr * Te aldayecoo vi) net a 945Sundiy wili lnelude the~ following. On Frlday, Novemnber 12, the Ni)rtii- an.Th S e are Cholausl es for hu9:4e Prelude--Communin........ Gullmant western branch of the W. F. M. S. wiii b.m.Teheeagecses fotri indarea Intaoit-I Know the--Tiioughtu That meet at 740 Rush street. A very in- bewe h gsof the kindrgart- 1Thuaak Toward You' . .c uc otntand inspîiig program hbis been ýý0fettoy--Tfl lett ..... B liàn .aned< and *4i of our womn are Thecongannioia *"" The New Trier Sunday 1'veaîing club âeTh ommun.-igo. pssoat. .Behaeets Sunday evenings at 7 ::;U. o'ciocek e-Potud-llgr ppsioat.-Bo at New Trier High senool. hý Weary? Restless? Discouraged9 Dis- - la llusioned? Hopeless? lnSuday's teit The Wilanette Girl Scouts wil! 'have a ,4 -e---y:~wIIgv yurat" n dinner anad program in tiie UÀreitt Hall SHia invitation laounr invitation: **Come f tai ns ctonos Tnursdiay evening, unto %le!" And His promi>e 's for you: Noveznber 11. -Y. shall tind i'est unto your sols." i.'F1 etva"o nuicuc IAnnouucernents for -Sundays Coni- .bnz 1 ne Sei Solo--Like as 4 b' Frank Postude-Maiî oaa Victoria àMc±-eod- I s. The. miniater wili prtiaul ut thle imor-n- Il ke ing '.IOiik) Ut 11 o ot the AIAgSleay is" aààuaaoit pcLVe e in- ,uni- % Y OU tu o sl»wiLh us. and The nu.sic for the moi ing woasnip ensea. ee'.1Ii be : u~~ >tAse fi samj,' e ~ ; aeua.aa .nir ......Scott and me.... Gounod Ltry of Musiç f Tii.: W aileets toil *nt(t trieiti a4"m.F- . WG