Lihprary Prograrh . U2 HK 14pea.ker>s< le Haerni1I nlit ant <ireetor of the. ch1dreý"s de- par tment. of, the Chicago Public llhrary, ani Max Iiegel, ;îuthor <for '>,ratof Baara." finteriît itnal Relationst Novemb er,atf;Club,, Novviliber at fticCountry ClUI) ofi Evainston wsill bring a group o)f eÇ»et s Starting with adinnter bridge Fri- (ldas-uettl of, this 'wecek at 7 :-Y) o*ckwck. social activit-y,'%ill conltinlUe i itli*a Swing party. an informa, dance Friday. Noùvenubcr 12, at , 'l'le folloNwing Friday ivili be Sport iglit. alil on Friday. Novenmber 26 the 1'hanks giving, dinnier dance will take place at 8 iO'lodc.. U.of W. Alumnae Club f'o Moe for Lunchonl The University of Wisconsin Alum-' iae club of Chicago will hold its No- vember lunlcheon meeting in Mandel Birothers' Tea room, Saturday, No- vcmber 6, at 12:45 o'clock. The speaker will be Miss R~uth JCntzler, instructor in speech at Central High school, Madison, Wis. MViss Keâtzler, now ôo.n a leave of ab- sence, is, doing graduate,,work, at Northwestern ,unive rsity. THlE L MISS J.'ssa. tm1. li1p.'i to 10 ri'f (hw'Il ' es, wil ioeq P q.Ir.Iatrick 1Buffer 't ~ I For 'your FaUi end Wlofhr yom wUil meed ..w chima College Club Lecture Is on Foreign Events wlil fîe lic 'tecond lin aseIý1i ttiiii, ut ctscnt-. talks for the Chicago I. ilî itdu ait Il O'Clock satuî day fill nig\sn< ; r t 11k dt al vsit- db ywilh Il ~tt. E ~vanston l[til-. missA IT Pesdeai Tri-Stat 0 ,f 1143 Forest avenue. ]E Junior D. A. R. Luncheon 'teLnlolV N[r-. Charles P". kyodof L'vans-atln. t istc halilnatl imuior inenîber- 0 Fî. tort I earh<irflchapter of I augliM rid ~ er lur, 44t the Amcricait Revohîtion, ha.ý a rie Ifty e hecu ti.tdf at a tri-sýtatU On October 20, MX\r. ani topre~de s. bc. 4ie A of 14;orlld Part we suggest a sivanoeI pair Of crystol plileupples ! Lake