under way for a super-colo ssal, gigan.- tic, s.tup)endous, and spectacular cir- t us with animais, sideshows, gamnes, Sand 'ail thc trimmings to give it ra sawdust t rail' atmosphere," the guild announces,. Miss Frances Cutier of 1001 Lake avenue, IN'ilmette, is the> general manager and ring-master fo*r this production. The regular November meeting of the junior guild wiil be held on I-n day, November 8, at 8$ o'clock at iîigbt. at the homeý of Mfiss Marcia Smith, at 727 Cinton place, Evanston. For, this meeting the guitd bas been able to secure Miss Louise Bristle wbo will review "Time at ber Heels" by J. n. ro.îfw Photo 1)orothy Aldis. Miss Gretchen O'adrrdonk, dasgh- <nderdonk, 190 Lindrit strer'1, Win- netku, inus elecied second %4ce- >resident of the Jupimr board of Northzeeter)n Uni:versity settlemesil ù t a meeting lseld October 26,0ut the home of Miss 1,-ator Wetti of * Chi cago. ter house. Mrs.* Jr, will comment and revicw '¶'orl Kenneth Roberts. Tickets may be ý. -f.L. .. enrytG. lai ton current ei btiwest Passage, -secured from any-' The artists on the program Wwill be- Laura Howardson, soprano;, Lilyan- S achs, contralto; Margaret Parr Wil- son, pianist, and Kate Alice* Merrili,- violinist, with Buenta Carter, Helen Guest, and Eugene Jiowardson as- sisting as accompanists. Mrs. Sachs' group will incitide two songs by Buenta Carter, a new member of the club. M rs. Henry B. Vanzwoli, social chairman, will make the arrange- ments for the tea. Pouring at the tea table will be Nlrs. Frank S. Pagîn,, and 'Miss Elizabeth V'ail. life mem- bers, and Mrs. Charles E. SMatbews, and Mrs. George N. Oberne. past presidents. T. S.15 Fowers for Cha»iy t RalE Mrs. John R. Mopitgomecry of fltïbrd »Woods i l e péi, îeiraI chairoptof the beiiefit bridge /part>' to bc held ut the fivansion C'oivtry club Wednesdayx .\V<wcjetI'r 17, by the NVorth Short Skmit/iColle.qc rn club for the bentefi of its scholarp- ship lfopd. The »ûié,of .11rs. fllr- old lWaller of l *imu'zitka lias re- cenl» t3,bren <ddc-d t» 1Wrs. .Mon;t- qomerry s CopirmifIe Thne cormittec in charge ofthu Snow bail of the Mary Crane lePague will liold a imeeting. Thursdav irtr- mng, Novcembler 11, at 10 *'clock at the bomne of Mrs. 11unry R. Taccker in Evanston. 1MNrs. Taecker is co-chairinau for, the hal which will be hield at the D)rake hotel Saturday evening, No- vCiDI)r 27. Tbe affair %%Ill bencfat the Nursery schooi wwhich the ltcague WILMIBTTE LIPE"