cago, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mel- ton A.. Connard of Decatur, is Saturday, November 6. The Rev. Amos Thornburg of the WiI-7 mette Parisb Methodi t Epis- * coipal church will read the serv- ice at .4:30 o'clock in the after- te.rnoon in the residence of the bride's ,mother, Mrs. William Philip Varney, 1026 Greenwood a-venue, and a reception will foi- low- * Two, former Wslmette girls, Miss Marjorie Co;elandý Mason of 1Evans- ton, as mid of honior, and Miss Dôrothy Jane Lundin of Chicago, as, one of> the bridesm!aidîý will attend the bride, as will another bridesmaid, October 24, when they enter- -tained at a buffet supper part y at their home that Sunday evening. The affir %vas for Miss'Farier the daughter of,,M. an I Mrs. Frederick R. Faârmer -of, Wit.. mette, and her'fiancé, I)r. G0r- dIon G. Chinnock,*the SOfl 0f Mr. and ,Mrs. Fred. Chinnock,,.f (;jrand Rapids, Mie'h, %Vho are to ~be narried -NoveinIer 20, at Si' Francis Xavier cburch. Miss Eleanor Idier, 932, A.-hlanif aâvenu.e, %Vas hostess at a miscelaniei)ti. shower givcn atAber tlwc bride on October 28. and Stinda%-v vt- ning. October 31, Mrs. G. G. Wifel< of La (,range entertajncd at a buffet supper J>art~y for [Dr. Çbjmtiiock tand. Xliss 1Farner. Mrs. D>aniel Bull, the former 1>,ttWcbber of Wilmiettc. and Miss Mi ion Husting, formierly of Ximtè will bec o.hostesses at a shoiwer No- vemiYer 11, at Miss Hlusting's home ir) Chicago. Mliss Mary Cloos, atint of the bride, is giving a dinner party at her'homne ini Chicago for bier niiece rr Lfelg11 Honor Former, tuere the bride- tand his son MleKnown Daughl.r's Engagement at aoTe& MNr. and lfrs. George R. Betnson. 210 Meirose avenue, Kenilworth, an- WILMJETT.E LIFE Pl