Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Nov 1937, p. 3

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Col. Frank Knox, Noted Pub- lisher, to Address Sunday Evening Club Audiec Col. Frank Knox, editor and. publ- lisher of the Chicago Diailv News, Vvill speak, on "Life Under I)ictator-- ships" this Swiday at 8 p. m. ini Ncw Trier Hligli school auditorium be-. fore the Newv Trier Sundav Evening club. W. Frank ilcCluire of Xi- mette will prcside. and thle- Rev. Hlarol<l Nlcllnay oftthe. North Siio-eý M ethIodist c4hurcli, (,eno.will .ive Ille inivocation., -colonel Kpox re.Cet tlv 'returîîeéd ir oxiia trcnots levto tour .of conditions ini France. lîg land, Gernîany, Czécho - Siovakia. jugoslavia, Hungary, Italy, Austria. ÇGreece, a$id Albaiiia witb _ýpëiIat2 teenion to lal>or and living condi tions, and the operation of their re- s'pective systenms of governient. Thrce ýyears. ago lie visited the Europeanl couintries subject to dic- t ators. Noted PuliIsI.r Hiis Chicago career dates iroin h1i$ * buying an înterest in the News after .1- J2.1 îfXXri A ;- *It is axioulatic tliat nothing eaui standj stili. There iust l)C cithe r progress or rêtrogre-.sion. XVhich it shiall 1 is left to- the :choiee of the iijdutal .,ni bis. ,rva affair.s. and( to the citizeils of, a .comnitiiit- in .their pl ,dcafairs. There. is i110 lternativel. Te chloice inuStbetd. The Wilmctte Civie letguie .perfeyrîîîed a.ISignial 1public service wlhen, it. (levoted its mnontllv luincheon meeting last Firday to (lisculsSifl of thliis v-ital subject. WXhile the restits %vere dlisap- pointiflg in thât ekiJres-sîo,îs () opinion %%'ere fliot elicited fronm a suifficienit illuxuber of Iindividitals to findicate the trend of thîowght, the lsctlssii4)11 l]serve the purpose of bringing the J)robIein into thec open. where ih ntist reinain titil ,ettl(ed,-.ti(lsettled ri-lit. lnetrîalv nte~~u~'eî Vith the zonnïlg lrol)lnxis the queti'o" 0of'thle end that: a, leýt"iite'plan ,nay be dletinite plan for the iutuire, levelili- preî>ared within a reasotlal)ly limited ment, of Ithle village. includig the tiuwj- and presenited -for the consider- rehiabilitatio,î of tho'%(-distrcss locali- ation of citizensl., tic. ostv djaen tocomeria FWhile it niav be truc that more tinte cclittrs, tipon whicli the ravages oïl ~, in wicli to %vorkout the larger planl tinmc 'have leftittlri so, dep -t ha itcssrt'~~. j eiee bt pa tipý onlit ctuitv appeagt'ranc be. Rill' tilat wollld -le effective in preventing tipsiili ciniuntyapparnce R.-atît' extension of the commercial lief of owners who can nto longer findara ad frin rleft te profitable lise for ithese properties i> sIes(fdcdn rprisnwbr imperathve. dering those areas, could and should The jrobkeni is by no meaits te b e developed within thirty days. I hias engaged. the attention of ci - \ pa rt of the failli no doubt lies in leaders for naiu years, and at times it t.lw îack of continuitv of leadership apîpcared that sinîething would ac- adttijcino e uhrt tually bc accumpflishied. But change, arn theijeto n ofInew author Atlantic Municipal Corporation IJ" Sole Puirchaser of New Trier Tracts A coniplete repot on the sale of delinquent tax certificates on 1935 real estate taxes, held in the office of County Treasurer Horace G * Lind- heimer last we.ek, as announced in last week's issue, shows that certifi- cates on 94 parcels of New Trier to-%niship property were purchased b-, t he Atlantic" Municipal corpora- tion, the,.only purchaser in the' market'. The total sales ýin ,e ach of the -four vilàages were, as follows: ýVlmette, 40. Kenilworth, 6. Winnetka. 29. I t is explainel any property i ficate has been at any time wi ie owner of i tax certi- ty redeem it o years by rrest rate cf -NiIýN.7-liJU --..II lii..lil...t as- po plan, even tenttive, t0o offer. leadership andI the ivill tO sol)Ve is 1926-27 hie was publishier of Heast*, It was appointed six years agô. Ex- required. Boston American and thien unitil 1931 cp o isiydatd"ao fie vas general manager of ah tliv t. eeptluTa, bsastit drafed 6*nhaver Heastnewspaper propertir%. stet" »la, ittapplivitins ee rtohe NameRed Cross Leaders Veteran of Tw. Wars rtezoiîg of specific properties. ls i ot hr o ( Coloniel Knox fouglit in two ,%ar,., chlairman;il lias stated that at least a James B. Forgan, chairmnan of the in thie Spaniish-Americani war %vith vyear will bc Teqtired to comiplete a Chicago chapter, American Red Theodore Rooseveltsý. Rough Riders oplan for subntission to the citizens,. Cross, lias announiced the D)il- may exact, which may legail" be anything he chooses to asIc. The protection of the law, which stlfr ulates 24 uer cent pçr anflun for the.two-vear period. does not extend beyond its expiration.,

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