churclb will1 open Novemiber 18, for a two-dey:sale and carnival of fun. This year the fait is known as the, Flower festival and Al the rooms f rom the lobby through the display booths to the dining room wvill be a riot of color. IMrs. A. L. Fuller. president of the guild. is helping to coimplete the plans which were begùii cari> last stiuler by Mrs. (). E. Thaleg and the chair- men of the six divisions of the guild, Mrs. E. B. Sny*der Mrs. Harol0. Hayes, Mrs. WRV. >1 aeser, Mrs. Raymond Lake. Mns. M. C. Greigg. and Mrs. W. J. Chapman. Practically, every member of the organizationliha, been called into service hythest woun- en and will assist on committees ini -NIalIIhl Balfour Phote The hosssforma vmwlnq utof w1 North, Sior*, Alitmnuea of Alpha Phi Pridqy of ibis weck, is Mrs. Paul Hassel of 60 Htrzel avenue, Glenèor. Aller a lap imicheon <snd brief business imeet ing ai ber Ihome, pleilibe,., will t4ke a msical pi!. 11riina.qe tb th i slkz Shool of Mufsic in 1'imiet'ko ai 3 o'cloek, at several' parues in iwr honor auring * er stay. Her hostess, M1frs. Osgood, and Il r. Osgood>.gave a diinner-paÀy or er at their home lait Sat!urday'-eveinig. and Tuesday evening of> this week Mr. and Mrs. Wiliami McGibbon. 201 Sheridan road, Kenilworth, gave a second dinner party at their home. Wednesday of tbis week, Mrs. Fred J. Stebbins, 329 Raleigh>road, Kenil- worth, entertained about forty gucsts, at a luncheon and bridge party at, her homne for Mrs. cagl. IMary Cran. M.e.1ing The board memnbers of the M ar, Crane league will meet at the homie of Mrs. Ambrose WVechselberger, 48~ 'Keiiwtaeme,,*enilworttt at 10 o'clock Monday rnorning, November 8. Mrs. Wechselberger's co-hoste-ss wilI be Mrs. C, D. Sturtevant of Fv- aliston. in store for tbemn folloiving a luncheuon.. meeting. Friday, No-' venliber. 59 at 1 o'ock. rs P'aul,"i-las sel %vilI open her homie at 60 Ilàkelaeuecle otô the n.ieimIers for a' laJ) ltuncheonl aid brief monthly businiess' meeting, folloging which aIl %Vill c 'on gregate-for a tnovel and. initeresting musical pilgriiage,, to the I)uslikjni School of.Msi ini Wintnetliza at.3 o'clock. Mr, 1)ushkciin ill dISCUSS N,~e~ the new apiproaches iii the téehing (if munsic. 'and bavisng tiboroughly prepared bis Iistellers for Ç'tetillglis theories p)ut ilitt> îractice, he will theii show thlemi the workshop where' the cbildren i ake tlieir oiv niusical instrumzents, ami. ais gh'e ihern the olportutnity to ob)serveC groupN of eildren playing such ini-trii- ints. Charles NI. all ii chai rman fort Evaiîtstin. Aluiniat ing affair, 7erent type . 11, nea awoman i84I .> uch ntic inence and sucb marked ability as Mrs. George G, St. Louis. M r. l warcs Kearnis. IMrs. J-aroi(l* Chason, Mfrs. John Walker, 'Mrs. E. B., Hathaway. and NMrs. -Scott McDoweil of EvanstQn. As is customnarv with this alumnaû group. ail Alpha Phii's from ail chap- ters are welcoined to the mee>tinig with-» out previoiis or formai iiotificatigè,i. WILMETTR LIFE 1, i eet .Homie" r 46