ent ana among them Ias Leo Sower- by, also a composeré. One of bis compositions was included: in, Mr. Dupres' programn. C'arlos Photo Mr$. Albert R. Fleischma;ip,'226 Esse road, Kepailtworth, is chair- mon of the WVonian's auxiiary of thse Gsu rch of the lloIiy Confortcr uoltich is copiducti'sg a riommage sale November 10 and 119 ai 617 Davis sireet . evalistoný. Tire six guilds of the afixiliar3' arc ossistinçi :ilith ihe salr. I. to Town Saturclay in Children's PIa 'l'le circuls is coing to. to,%v On Satuirdav afterniooni. Novel ber 6. the _jack and jili Play Horticulfural Meeting The borticultural department of the kenilworth Garden club bas post- poned its next régular meeting froni the second to the third Wednesday in November. The meeting dav is November 17. and the hos;tess Nvili be Mrs. Perey B. !Etchart, 206 Cumber- land avenue, Kenilworth. HoId Office i CUss Two Wilmette girls bave received juniïor class ofiêèés at Mew TrerIliigh school. They are Mickey Macalister, president, and Ruth Schiebel, secretary. oi the lovely, Carlos Photo Mrs. W. W. Muehiberg et Hwss- ton is chaesrm sof the ticket cen-, nittre for the <nnual Bridge tee and Fashion:show thse Junior auxiliery of thse Woman's Club o! Wilmetfee w sponoring ut the clubhewae, Teirth strect and Greenleaf avenue, Wil- mette, Saturday ef tentoon, Novenu- ber 13, et 2. 1Circle ,'e pri Mrs. Bradice Pruden of Rockford, DIL, is spending tbf, wee'k with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wllin Stutson of Evanston, formerly of Winnetla A COMPUTE PAMT 3 heure of faaslmaUug msuamt GUARANTEED or ymr ab.u.y bock wfth PawryNo. 1 OutiS entutl. ~ ~Dg up t. a suese. I dilséru sou. piste sou.. iuludlug 1M8porty ar- ticles, es.y direcon&u. ft.mfer &IL. ONLY $1.2S. Part7 Oueît 0U, «uo.. l ain. up e. 12 ubses. ely l Ph-n.ý Wilnftte 741). IUAPP1Y BHOVMS PARTfESb Wiimette. DM. NOYEMBER 4. T-UJRSDAY lenionade standi and me teIVUL, that circulses always have. fTheè play is open to ail children o the village. The ticket price is ln- Iii the play wilI be ail the character> who are s0 farniiar to Ai children and grown-tqps who love circuses. There' «ill be a Living Skeleton, and a Fat f WVoman (wbo is said to wegl six-1 FasionPortraits Circus .WiII Corne