that William Turgeon WiIl remiove bis ships to the Sky Harbor field, Pfing- * sen.Dundee, andCony îe roads, mvest of Northhrook.. He %vasý asso)ci- ated in:the former management witil * Cijf Condit. Continue School Co-managers of PaI-Waukec vwillbe Mlani Tufts and George 1l.dgecn.ati), if ivas announiced. Thev ill -continue the operation of the tlying school and* %vill represent the Taylor' Cub and, the Fairchild concerns Pal-INaukee, une. of the oldeçt of the airports in >the Chiceago area. wag built in 1928. It is the Only one eqnip- 1 ped to bouse ligihter-*hlasi-air' craft,; and is u,'ed as the susilmer port of thei CIAndvear. hlimp. fer »s Luxrus LIuPois Phi4to Il ;ncfa.notr(I zt'rier and speake'r> on e'al subiet-ts, is tire afftior 01 ail art icle, "Il *hon z» Amen- Iiii." 41discussion of: a uuaisber of .V'iv,,,cr6 issueL of tIre' Satur-day Pvfil/Iost. >eè>aa jhqhtCoasf i /(owst. Wiiat Co>mpany officiais 'say is ai]lDr. Walter Gropis Wii international r(ceord for lng distanice *che<ildd pa.ssenger planc tl-ihts Leture at Palmer Hot ,et last T-hursdav Ni-ien Utited Air Dr. WValter Gropius, pr ofessur Lmnies Coniiilet{éd the >)OOl*coaý;t-. architecture at Hlarvard univer! to-coast 1pas>t-ngt-r plane trip on. >its %ill lecture oit -Education Tom M id-Colntititent aîrw~av. lit coini- reative Designi," in the Red L-ac< netioration (oi t1ic lîulit eîch (Ii- roomn at the Palmner flouse Tues vision of il)c Iverni.'ht toîin eîtl Vening Noveniber 9. at the ded sîele(r platnc schieduilevas tIowil by tiojn of the -New Bauhiaus, Amneri 011( Of Unjte<'s million muile »ilo(-t%. I SchooI of, Desig-n fnunded by I a I"uWlj ro »e,. a guest ecurer miail plane carrving two al ntt..i~thelu. Clool later iii lhe season. *Uniite<(I\flrsttrîanscontinîental iîghi 'ir lt:leing -of Clnlttnre( " ill be r-equtired lthiirt\*-thirce horîrs and imtît hi, >-njtct. lucn refu deing s tops~. The tan w.\vas I5Cents a - il. Uiic]ted\v ci it' 61, js fB haiL 1110lsant1ianniv'ersanlighit %vas eusoBa 'iL w iiade by a transport capable ot i fl- Subject for Lecture ilig coast-to-coasýt %wnh )j1\-ily~tit teI, -' i -lhe Genlius oi flaai" is the sui)- itie!lng stnn)s in 0n1-nlrnie hh itii L.1iv ' - , ý. 1.e tch.. BRAUCH'S SLUMSER SHOP:' IN OUR NW STORE -1806 SHERMAN AME 71/ stocks 8.ufi of Davis Si.. evasfo-1ni. R28 EARLY TATMAN SIH GET CdiIUM DE LA If you corne in aitkh last gasp Dscemrbe 24