-Stravinsky's concerto for violin ami orchestra written especially for L)ushkln, who gave its premn perforinances in Berlin. London, Pari%, and <il European cihies, with the composer conducting. first performnances in Amferica, were by I>ushkin i -u oton Synmphony 4rCesra. the Philacdell1 orchestra, and the St. Louis orchestra. ' Receîi Dushkin bas played the work with the, Clevel. orchestra. Stravinsky condfucting. );Xvxt wveek Dushkin will play the flrst perforiai >Stravi,îs .'s "A Maidens Song," and the fijrît p iturmlanre ini Anierica of ".Nosqtiito< by Blair Fà The violinist is on a national tour wdîiciî make-, possible for hlm to stopl) in innetka a second iii alldplay at the Dushkin schlool directed by1 brother, David Dushkin. Last year he was here1 ajoint recital With Stravinskyý. Theconcert ix week is open to the pupils, their parenits anti, frien of the school. Samuel 1)ushlcin waç bon in Russia where first played ii public at the ak-e ofix. rowh .urope. and he was Harry Kaifini at bis for £mitidlDushkin, lte violielisi, a'"II appe~ir ii a nd oLnCliert Monday e'inog. Novembre 8, ut 8 ocelock ail the Dushkin SchýooI o Music ipt lie. Winnetka. Air. DIfshkin i., a brother of David ! * f P4ish ijiW4i ire..clorol4I#the i., ~Thi ishis lt second q'parancin »Wiettieka. Peterpaul Ott to Show, Priuze Winnrmg Sculpture A. number of prize witinig pecces wiIl be included mîusic or the dramna and nave invited thtnm to associate theiniselves wlth the organization in, the capacity of patrons or patrouesses. Soute of the outstaning. mames appearing onithat. list are Miss Clara: Mac-.ý Gowan,.of the art departnient of Northwe stérii uni- verçity; Peterpaul Ott of Tivaiîstoir, the 'scuiptor; Miiss IEleanor Ellis Perkinis. lecturer; Carleton Smith, lecturer and music critic, and I)ndley Crafts Watson, art andi travel lecturer. This year the club announices that Mrs. Jantes \Mc.Nillasi of Wininetka, and Mis: Harry. Hainiond of Kenilworth. have accepted ait invitation t(> become patroîjesses. Both won>en are intcrested in opera. Mrs. AlcMillan bas directed ticket campaiguis, and last year gave the. Alpha chapter of Phi Beta a box for, the etitire season.. Mis.. Hammot'd is an acconi- plished pianist and tvaàs seemi at most- of the opera teas this fait, accompaiying the guest soluists. Following the induction ceremony a buffet supper vrill be served with Mis. John T. Booz of iinettc, Mrs. Jeff re>r Poolea I sd lIs red P.. Jarnhart ,jr., of tvanston assîstmng the hostess. At the progrant iii honor of the new patrontesses Mis. Kennieth Jeui- niings of Evaniston Will sing a group of solos, accomii- panied at the piano by Mrs. Bohrer of Evaniston. M.\, Richard H. Samuels, a graduate of the School oi Speech of Northwestern university, will read froin Cornelia Otis Skiinner's "Excuse t Please.- ~IO8lUjts .9....... .BlarFaiircbhd --i~t Performiance inAere * Miken ~FI.rst iper friint-e * ~ DancefrOni Petro4achka....t:vnc uvi maiiy. ja iern penko in New Yorl turc colpetition hli each for male aud1 IC. I Peterpaul Ott received bis train>- ai oyal Acadenîy of Art in. »resden, cstudied with Alexander Archi- .li the Amnerican SmiaJI Sculp- von. two f6rst prizes and $500 remali.'fiLouer, .i 1021 - phi, Beta Hostes WILMETTE LIPE 4 ~ I A