______________car serles which (Jhevrolet i, intro- In rht: displav of the Packard' M-No- clubs. ducing for 108, according.to Brucc o a o~n ttt.Armhl In releasing the application, ec James Oin Is Eiected Egan Chevrolet, Inc., M1I Greeni Bay hv i diin o.eea ol retarý of State,"Edward T., uges- SenorGlssPreidntrod. ilete.Both linesenbd moiî ofalte ou Packar stressed the necessity of public _ an ;împrovement destined te rank as ues. the: Six. Ei-ht. upr ihtoeation in order that iszuance o JaesOln,2Ô5 Warwick roadl, outstanding in the industry this ea ad Tev hr -ane akr îe sb expedited. Kenilworth,> was elected president of! -tht e olioay fC tpo-Sxcai. edeth actatalbstAtP mpy the senior class at ;ew Trier *High matic" clutch c4-mi.initiL more p)oýi prts r oeaing and with motor. Mtoiss ishing to retai the scbool, and-Alice White, 211 Park rive actio)n .with. grûater operatin prtrfsm:so drare axertiI >p.1 T nMoters wih ee stidîhin avenue, Glencoe, vice-president, fol- case and adIding importantly t vit e197 us p lowing a vote taken Iast ,Monday.: safetv, comfort and durahilitv of th e vw the enitire chassi- iùevol% e,. 13 utspcfcIvreus e Jak oye,83 Ceînt veue tta.With tht. ci-a-,],is co;îtatltv. îurn- signment prior to December 1. 1937. %V'Imette, and Mary Shiverick, 226;Te13 iChvot ingalong its longitudinal axis there .Afîter this date no nuinbers arc: kept Franklin road, Glencoe. had previous-t h 98huCer1e niwr is no apparent sourcu of power to back ini fat-or of their pre:ent holders. 1>be lctda raurradsc assert. rùepresents important a(]- keep theeni. the transmiison., Secretary Hughes urged that ap- re-tary of the class. vnE vree h ihyCt~ rear axle and wheels turning. There plicationis he filled out as e()soo. as fui 1937 models. Refinemejit, cx- i, much specluation as to what make> possible. Properli, notariked and sent tend to bodies, both initerior, and i h go. te theSrnfedofc GOURDS -I airucsâeý-uî o copnd -In vri<îor , ! I"exte the fees in the formr of a certified ou grtenq.~and elûsgrown in teir1 U onueosUti~iAtually there i> -1 eluctric nio- OYleSpngedofcecotaid our ard.qw . 5c pe La mt c- r-fn . t e cha.ssis, whose desigil,. h6wretr g t e ha s a d îi la e o th lc ns p aes vlI eae, emin fudaenaly uchngd.tor concealed in one of the stand- check, draft, or moncy order. Re- Dtied Flowers 1 Th o-e plant in bthserieý i., the »tem(eüryi eebr üipovfie rse-oe,.h f-om urnishes the 'power tw keep temd al nDcnbr peson, valve-mn- ead, sx vine MkjoUke lIId, mgo. of lUki' Ave.# WII. engine, %,%ho>e powver., othe carrnes eiectricity throughi a spIeciàl- conipiying with ail necessary reg- economv andi reedom irom service Iy made connection 1111 th e 'dia-',si> ulations. will heip both , the State interruption,, are aiready familiar to and te the car starting motor w~hich î Autotnobiýle division andtemtr mil1i0noî i f w tr hroughouit the furnishes power to keep the englue ing 1public. .n h itr AIA K.~~S JIA wold.- orking. Chckon Violations R RAf . M A voildel ae Cerlî e- Packard also is demonstrating its One of the features of the 1938 Regecîed hydraulic brakes. l iîenls aâve uew rear wheel spring sspnsonregistration cards '-iîliike O~r .w hos.Num .r tŽel îurret top bodies by Fisher.a and isSf--lx'3se firv an accurate check or' violations of th toul-frete hpoid rear axIe. ti edntsrnsfo h rntwie.s the F. W. Lewis law providing I W~E1T ~-thtMaster dle luxe series, Chevrolet pe~nalties for drunken and reckles- - -r j 'tîu ni for aidentification pur- jet station at 548 Grecen Bay poSss," said Sccretarv Hughies. --and enilworth. Vie new owners. fihe. fact that it is aiso a record oi SweIl known throughout the hiis repnslito lc-o i.a ore area, m-flili andit Shiell driver is aut ceent wlich hoi and motor oils, Firestone tires miake hini pause and .tlîik, and. sso-,ries, and Exide batteries. thinknig is what is nceded to mnakeü miotoring safe for ail (of us- G LARGEST AND BEST