prepared "*birthday» cakes wea:e servL ed' with tea,- under the supervision, of T.' D. Wickham, superintendenit of dinihg cars.. Siuilar observance was catred out on'the Southern Pa- cific Une over which the Golden State operates through Arizona and California. The departure of the Golden State Limited from LaSalle station, Chicago, at 9:15 Tuesday eve- ning, marlced the 12,775th trip of this train to the Pacific coast. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Husting ne- oently of 1620 Washington avenue, Wil- mnette, have moved to Wauw-atosa,: Vis. oe2 llu i a ui~stinct cnaneIIVu rm e hmmerto conventional appearance of Grand ITrunk - Canadian . National coaches. %N'ide windows are trimmed wîtb aluminurn, there is a -turtle-back roof, the exterior is finished in light green with the cornpany trade mark in red and gold, and the body mounted on six wheel trucks making easy riding. The construction is Corten -and Manton alloy steels enabling the building- of a. car body thirteen tons ligbter than the previous standard type. r.and 'Mrs. W. H. Hocehie:and their- twoô daughters, Barbara, and Joan. 6-70 Linden av enue, Wilmette, came toý the north shore recently from f The Yacht chah will be a bee-hive of activity during 1938.'Already> sched- uled are the internationial' 6-meter series to be held around the Easter season; the proposed* match e.%be- tween the new Larchmont club one- designs; and the race of the expert yachtsmen of many nations f rom New. London to Bermuda which will take place in the summer. Yacht racing, bv actual record, has been enjoyed here for the past hun- dred and fifty years, and probably far longer.' Bv force of circumstances, Bermudians were -a. sea-going people. As early as the seventeentb century, they had instituted the sloop rig that was to make their -ressels famous for speed and readiness in bandling ail over the western ocean. in whose great Fal festivals are mingled the color and gaiety, of, Spain and the mysticism ,of the Aztécà.-is destinedi to become a year, 'round travel.,mecca," states S.. W. Holland of the ýAmerican Express Travel seiv- ice, which i, extending into'the fali and, earlv i inter montbs its. weekly- escorted tours there. U». Deluz. Traime These -%ill uise the deluxe trains, and equipment of the Wabash rail- way, the Missouri Pacific lines and the National railways of M bexico. Operated both f rom Chiicago and St. Louis. thé tours are so, arranged that the' jorney and the return, with ten day of exploring historic Mex*c' CitNv and the regions about it. can bc included in the period oi a two- week, vacation. over 10,00ii al air of 'e everv' fl5 to pay Fromna and of tholis J. R a ssen i ss - ie home which e Ail Wnter