ncesdfay, Noveiber 10, at ia 3 o'clock Gordon Hintners (C. 0. Waters), mnatinee and at an evening perforiin- j ike Hill FakP ea) hld anceat 8o'clck.Berard (Harold: R. Whitby), Phiilip The- change of a datç for file Pfuttie (John W,. Rau), Marjorie Cradie Song" was necessary l)ecauise .1 Beach ý(Miss Laura W. Durgin), of a t%,o-day school holidaY, Xo%-en-l)o Drothea Hinn'liant (Mrs. M.\argaret S. ber Il anid 12, The orginial dates were Cockrelh), Salir Royal (Miss I.aura 7ovemiber 12 and 13.ý 1). Fulton). J ohni Bail (C. Herbert The. Cradie Song," Which las. been ijoue,-. Amie \Vinchet (Miss Normia called àa-*universal *:play," -tells the sleight).Nlasoii Gaffney ( Wie -T story, witlh .svrnpathy and, deicate Shearer), Patricia \'an Arsdale (Miss hîumer, of a baby I eft at the door O i Lbî1 .. Brcieblaclh), Beverir- a. convent of 'enclosed Domuilnn illiarnis, (Mrs. Doris C. Simonds), nunls, wiich the sisters are eager o1<)>olores I)ressel. Ms Marra S. adopît-iartilar ly Sistr .Joanlna of Vlasto>, Barbara \Varner (M1iss Ruth thieCross, a yoitig nl1ovice of 18 - m-11 N11. \\hitfieId), Pat Crawvford (Mrs. sailly misses the baby broéther shte. left \Iarjorie A. DokIavid Collier when ..sie cane k> )the Coivent. (A., \V. \an I)einrSen>. Jeanie Auhtlli7 Throuigh thie'lel> of the old dolOctr ueau < Mrs. Sue S. kitinbellh. ofthte conivelit ivlo gnes the child _______________ bis naine, the infant is left there î<'i lie raiscd by the sisters. Sister Jt,- Alice Jean Heinsen alm foiie Oý*, e a TX 1ofLlier ti.erstiing lias special opporti ii- is 'H o~c y .U rp1re ties to %%Ill the babys love. Alice jeau J-leilse.n, senior at New *Lovely. Wou Trier H igli sihool, was awarded a Eighiteen) ycars later Treresa lias local -"' rating for hier hockey um- grownii m a~ loiveiv yoting woomani,j piring recentlv. it was announced f til of charni and gayetv, adored by yesterday by Miss Iris Boulton, head the sisters. \\'hen thev discover that of the girls' physical education de- she is to Icave Otent to rnlarry a young partment. archiitect, they are yen' sad. There Niss Hemnseni recciveï lier train>- is, a tender and beautful scelle be- twecèi Teresa and Sit.'r nii- presente i Jeqi ont< audiences hy I the Civic Repertorv ileatre withl Eva 1 Le Gallienne as Sister joanna- of the Cross. lit the schlool production the leading role is played hy Betty Gel>ert, whiie thte part oi Teresa is taken by Martha Russell. TIhe other characý ters are the prioress, Rosamund Pur-i dy; the vicaréss, L.ois Kunzelrnan, the nnistress of novices. Harlinie ard. Sister Sagrario, Mlarjorie Sinding; Whie léTOMATO SIVERAGIE PI.. MeUIow PRUNSIE dCi 'leust Like the Mormiie Millr FRUIT JUICES la GLASS Delivered daily, chulled, ready to serve Packed for us in the packer's plant, i n our. own boules, VAPOR.,VACIJUM SEALED, with métal caps, to proteet original freshnessý and flavor. GRADE A'MULE I Io Db flO aau VUTAMIN S MILE wEustte Oe WUmtte 114