inig. A reception was field at Hoff- mnanl's hall in ftue evening. Miss L1ena Bonadjo of Eva.istoni. the maid of botior, wore a Dirndi. type dress of dubonnet velvet with gold accessories and littie' gold flowers in lier hair. The bridesmiai<I; Miss C-race Bennett of Wilimette, wore a rpyal bMue veivet Dirndl gown with gbld accessories.. Harry Thiiliùanty of Evanston was his~ brte' best' mati, and Harold Reinwald of Wilimette tslbered. Among those .whio caie. f roin out of, towo for the weddiing were. the b ide's grandiinother and auint. Mrs. ALna' Brinkman and Mrs. NIalioti Many Local Boy Scouts Bradford of Madison, Xis., Mr. and Mrs. W'alter Brinknian and George Near High Rank of Eagle Brinkman of Detroit, Mliel. 'riat Wilinette is inakiîg great stride-. AMr. Thilinany anid bis bride wiI' ini the Scotit advancenient pr1oglilin i x»jýkie AlciIxiom~hpe,,t 22l Fifteciith rv4eaedîn:alit i iý e smp oiWIr street in Wilmiette. by Counicil hleadquar;titers of l1Iife" Scouits. ~Fh Ame ofThese hoNss have but (nemre r*m( Th A meofto obtain'to achieve the highiestrup Sophisticated Beauty i ii the Scout advanceit ladder. Ni ani :)f these boys have, but two or tlirec. W. Us. the. kit Motaie.s more menit'badges ti4>,acquxiré htror Obtamabtethieybeconme iagles. hnie folloWmig is a Iist of \VilImeit P.p'mmtWaves Scouts .and their troop affiliation: Truo .- ue .. . ... . - M& Iinden Ave.. Wilm.l IPuppets WilI Entertain Joseph Sears Scholar .1 Stresài Jeanese Variéty At (jarfie4i park colscr.vatory'Ille th ie iJl 1 jtiiijaaeelu ,ChIt 1 t rao l, Ilth IistO o il te l(-)Vr ad lit % close, appilicat ion itt'o lapall.S art. readilv hnding itsýelf tosuh; disp>lay. NCwail iteresting garde i aCc ess(orîes liII e iven a protluineifi part 1.11 the >desigl, .thle 1dehIgit-fil I lonmniuralhall.inaingit posssîbh. fo b mjov a gardeix of Utlotdoo propor- *tiolis. NXCIVand(ld 1varictie.s will bé houwn as wdIlas all ve n ie kinids. ( rafte<1 plants, specimnens, lallgilg baskets, tree-like lants, cas- cade v tlieties, linge sinusenne * tal il ethodls of culture wil înturest Illee thiii;itic garden- cr. 'l'ie (Îvantenn s at it: *~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n I>h vîniasd îllere Ille 1 s1o w1I seasmn as 400»M0) of illte .sc lijbal>Ic bca t v an dl har mniny *'l'lie display at Lincoin park is of. c-qual Iwatity and i'nercst, tlie flowvers ranging troi tle Sinal lovSpecies througli ail. Ille variation> that are iolind inIltle group. 'l'ie hairy types. ctirious, singIcs, quiled forîns, Jap- aeeAncinoins, baskets and other metho(is oi culture liroduce an ap- o1peai that challenges Ille itnaginatioll. nionnativc, the guides presening à iscussioiî of the most otst-aiditig 3ants in the collection, whichi nuin- ier 5,000 kinds, as weii as a (letaiiel liscussion o.f the Ciirysýaiilithcnxui. Irhere is no charge for this service. eve-