Made riglit her. in the cify espe- cially for us -Absolutely fresh and perfectly deliclous - A, tempting variety in very aettractive boxes- '¼ I.1.29 bs. Clovernook Catsup Perfectly soeasoned. *atural color. pute condiment- RicI1 in itavor and vtamin contnt~- Garni'ih with whlpped and serve with Angonaý crisp bread etî nd, 17CI IIcan of the new Thin. crisp. freali crackers mode of, pure graham flour-no white §out mýriii or coco- -lb. pkg- 17 14- « boffles IP cd.O - To briiten ail kitch- 1c 2. for 19c i MCIagiC 12-PADS;lZjJV Texas Seedeis Grapefruit Delclous favor, , ne seeds and fuil of juice. For breakfast or foir fruit s»làads. 5 for 29C. c Family Crète of 1-9 Jounal han Apples Extra fancy-flne flavor. Perfect, eating apples-Family crate of 55 99e AngonaBread Sticks Crsp and fresh-Se rve with ail soups -or salads or: with a favorite cheose mixture for an -"27c- Ried Pitted Cherrios, A realIy vwonderful p*ck-Not only fine for pies and torts but eally. fine ft, serve just es they are- -No. 2 tins- 3 for lkS 1 c Borfiett Peors IPear.halves iteimd and cor.d--Chifl1 end serve for dessert or use in f'ruit. 3alao.2 Rockwood Chocoaute Mints 'a per-thin, pure chocolat* miets tinfoil wrapped - A perfect candy for the. bridge party or after- dinner mint-I 4b. p kg.- Fresh-Fruits and -Vegetobles SERE APPLIS FOR APLE WRUK au naturel1. fried, baked i pies. forts, puçdinigs--Tber's the flnest veriety from which ta clioos.-Your favorites, shipped ta us direct from the orchords. are here now. The pick of thle Pontous Wenatchee and Yokiwe Valley Crops. box 1. Fiery ed 5. RESH UIIUCOLI. lrim, Peel staits. Fie 3 bs. 25c Boit in Salt water and serve- -buncli iHUSSARD SQUASH. So giood S. For - Q. with pork tenderloin and baked applO3 lIbs. mçiaIIy fine whe 3 1 c eRoas -4b.29c a L VEIt. ftlçh ln vitanhicon" 5nt . os fried or bak.d- -4b. ~7 To Complement fthe fried Calve' I Sic e aise- -/2-lb. Pkg- 1IOc I R TEN Ail readly to bread 3 N OVIMBEIR 4 1937 TOKAY clusters. sw