LIUOI fil ýNc £ iri high school at 8 o'clock. He wilI be *ntroduced by W. 'Yr ailk -McClure, founder and, presi dent of the club' whicbi is now in its 24th year after 21 sea.sons. as the WVilmette Sunday Edgar Gueiti Eveuning club. Mr. GOue st will read selections froin his poeims. He bas a 'great newspaper. and radio following because of bis kîndly philosopby and personaility., In years 'past he ap- peared. beforethe Wilniette .Sunday Eveniing club and filled flot 'only one churcli but a second churcb. Co@rus of 50 Girl Prevedin.h is lecture, Dr. -Davies Lazear of Winnetka will lead com- mnunity siginig in uAmerica," and M rs. Marian Cotton, music director of the bigli school, wiIl conduct for the chorus of 50 girls. The chorus will appear ini its new tuniforms. Be-. tweetn 7 anid 8 p. m.. there will be radio mnusic, the Geiieral Motors hour.' Thle speaker for the following Sun- day, Noveniber 7, will be.Col. Frank Kuiox on the subject, "Life Under Dictatorslhips.' Ionger handicapped because of lack of funds, ýand this action, it was thought, no doubt meaus that, Wil- mette WILL filther. Chest this year.ý $23150W of the needed $36,MO0 has aiready been subscribed.. There are several hundred familles that the Chest workers w'ere unable to contact wbo will be called upon, and recalis will be made. to a number of families who asked to "tbhink it over, and will mail in our contribution." Elmer D. Becker, president of the .Vinette Community Chest, explain- cdo-, "We. are not concerned about inimediate paytnent of subscriptions; wc just want to know that witbin the ncxt 12 months we can count on sup- port comning in. A large number of our supporters have increased their giving by spreading the payments over four quartery -paym~ents, wbihh rves us very satîsfactorilv. Citîzens iwiho hiave been missed inihe calivass would be rendering a very lhelpful service; if they would mail inI their contribiî- tions, as miany have (lotie. -More r.e this and evening, -it w a s annod yesterday by Mattbew P. Ga ffhey, supe- - tendent. l'le session will begin at 3 -50 o clock and wi 9:05 o'doek. The periotis will be 20 minutes long except for theë H. H. Hoemun fourth, Mith, andi six>th, which fàli at the dinner hour, and whicb amre to be lengthened to, 40 minutes. The; regular recitations and study halls will be beld. and the freshmian wii go tbrough the day's .routiine, wbile thek parents will visit the class rooms. Miss Ella Shaw and C. Wiilam keii- ley, f resliman advisor chairnian, are in charge, witb Harry H. Herron, school registrar. in charge of ail arrange- ments. cvqlilàçpi,4vcmucrF V*, iti:, . 4. u1 The affair is being sponsored by thel Wihnette Chamber. of Commerce,.- which issues a cordial, invitation to 21 1 business and prof essional people,, whether members of the Chamber or not. The program wil be folkowed by a buffet supper..1. Exper t t.Spedi. 1 The program, whlich -is quite outi of the ordinary and should be of- absorbing interest to everv person, interested in the commercial luprpve-.j ment of the village, will be conduct-i ecd by J. R. Ozanne, hepi of J. I Otanne and Associates, snerchandiê ativisers,, with offices in the Merj-: chandise' Mail. Mr. Ozanne a formerly sales promotion managek for Carson Pirie Scott and compan> Marshall Field and cmanyanýf other lrge mercantifle es'abIsmentt. His organization bas recently mad$ surveys for leading stores ini man' cities throughout the country, as wefl as city-wide surveys for many 'com;4' nunities. ira ar is to Le openi for hie dinner hour, iti s are etîtled tor are hielti openi un .** I iei to