authority on the Soviet.Union; muaz Lerlner, editcr of the Nation, wil talk on "Roosevelt, Lewis, andi 1940"-; William MH. Klpatrick,.,famnous cdu- cator, wifl discuss "'Can 1Wducation G~uide Social Change?"' This lecture is the second in a series of twenty-two forum meetings of the Chicago Sunday Forum helti every Suiday afternoon at 4 o'clock in Thorne hall, Nortbwestern university, I4ake Shore drive ýand Chicago ave- nue, Chicago. Cicèago Sunday Forumi will be 7Wbose War in -Spain., by INoôrman Thomas, "Partition of Palestine" by Solomon Goidman. "Are We Wit- nessing the Colapse of Civilization?" by Scott Nearing. advanced course are being gîven. Fifty-tbree men are takuing thée Basic course, ýwhich covers the fundamen- tais of traffic control.. Twenty-one men are talcung the Ad- vancedi Course. This course is open only to those policemen who have shown exceptional ability while at- tending previous Basic Courses of- fered by the University. These men .will study' more specialized phases of accident prevention. Time toPrepare Car for Winter. The time is drawing necar whein car owners should begin preparing their cars for cold wcathes, Harold C. tz received lii he urdue gai 7'l~ Ferry Como, soit voiced singer of sangs, the featured vocalist wuith Ted WVeems' orchestra, is heard every Supiday at 12:30 o'clock (CST) ovrWGN and Mutual in the Sun- day Matinee of Melody. Como is a singer on the Crosby type and in addition to beieig heard oit the Sun- day n4o.cpzhouir shtisa lso featurcd an#d te setwork front te Trianon JBalrom on ChicagoW; south side. hirït stafting role eand turnedinlua Hamd iItug EBelu George McGurn and Jay Laayl, two more sophoinore fullbacks, art tabbed for more first string duty than, bas bec,, their lot in the early gauesý. Both are bard hitting backs. Nick Conteas, a 200-pounti husky bas prov- eni to be a creditable understudy for Fred Vanzo at the'quarterback posi- tion. SThe sophomore ranks bave pro- duceti a pair of strapping cenis in i d Grefe andi Bob Daly, both of whom have seen a lot of action to date. A leg in Uy that prevented John Ko- A8irhýý- flrnm & ý55 a50SU01. * ~I gave Grefe an. opportunity. to break into the opening lineup. Both Grefe anti Daly are fine pans receuvers. nea t u pont. hUIte8frstsonth Fred Atkins pomin .whn the 'frosi on th land Chiurch upiweite primn ripen,' when your motor begins to years ago, show signs of stiffness anti bard ersity. Judge satn nteionni' iet the Federal satn ntemrig tsttet muan of the make plans for protection against the *.K*,.r-qwhic cold weather that lies aheati." .101) an er is possible to dri v-zero. weather and ýn the car an everc ad fresh. cdeau air H-.. Coui