in Writing 11186 Lincoln Zephyr Sedan-Bquipped wlth radio, heater In f ront and rear compartinents. White Wall tires, perfect condition throughout. A demnonstratioli will convinoe the moat.okeptical buYer. This car caeries our R & Gi money back guarantee. Pr iced with the lowest at. 88 15f 1936 Cord Custom ýedan-RadIo equip- ped. A smart looking, beautifullfin- luhed car for those buyers Who, want excellence in performance plus. TIhis car can lie bought atprice ef an ordinary jstock car. Now $825. 1936 Packard* 120() da-T i cr bas been driven very littie by a north shore. farnily. In a condition any new owner car Ji . eçê,n.leally perfect and 1"s1< Ilke new. WiII consIder sinall trade and can arrange to> finance, balance.. For particulars eail Winnetka 1787 after 6 P. M. IOLTN-ltp WILLYS 1937- DELUXE Sedan.ý Low mnileage, real liuy. Wilmeëtte 1201. ______________105LTN25-1tc 192%. CHEVROLET 4 DOOR SE~DAN. goiod tires andi spare. Valves ground Iast sumner; new brake llnling. A car yo.u ean depend on for winter driving. Good liuy at $98 cash. Can be -seen at 1618 WILMETTE AliE.. ftfter 6 p. ni. Or~ Saturday afternoon ior Sunday. 10.iLTN25-Itp GiRAHIAM .11)35 COACH seanîke neW. WilI sacrifice. Wdmiette 1201. aa~ Afl~RIBBER, $35.. Cý I3ETWEEN 6 A 1936 Ford deluxe coupe ..... $435 1936 Ford tudor, trunk ........ $415 PACKARD 1 1936 Ford sedan, trunik, radio $7 Radio and It. 11936 Ford tudor sedaf . : $390 gain. Wilm-ejtl 1935 Buick sedan, radio .. . $535 1935 LaSalle convertible coupe $5sý .1935 Ford tudor isedan ..- ........315 s, i xe e i 11.34; bl!EAN - eaIer. A real bar- ct 1201. 105jTLN2 1 J 1,932, CONVERI. SE- ýquipped. Fine cond. NeNoîw Trle and" trtins. Breakfast if desire. Winnetka 3547. 116LTN26-ltc, LAIGE CMPOTALEROOM FOR rent, near transportation. 1117 Green- leaf Ae.Phone Wilmette 1944. 1 16LTN25-ltp Single and double1 roonms Near bath; near transportation. Wilmette 2255., ________1 16LTN25-l tp orated roomse for rent. Also sin#ie room. Breakfast optional. Wilimette 1671. 83 5 Fo rest Ave. 116LýTN2-ltp PLEASANT ROOM P'OR RENT Near transportation.- 602 Maple Ave., Wilinett*e 4919, 116LTN 25-11p i? WANTED TORENT-ROONS__ TWO CONNECTING C EE I roomis. Furnisbed or ufuru ished. pastries ana cakes. Mapie Ave. 121L.TN2-ltp, mlan .Avenue 12S Fg 704-1I ~uinlloe~ 1VyscDll~ 584 Licoin Ave., Wlnnietka Winn.i' 177 133LTN42h-itc CENTRAL EVANSTON 114-1BEAUTIFUL LOCATýION, 9spaclous roomfs. 3 baths. 011 heat. Has dignity and charfn.ý Owner transferred. Must rent. immediately. See us for other houss-Evans- ton to Lake Forest. McGUIRE & ORR,1 1mc. 530 Davis St., Evans. Gre. 1080. Wii. -228 133LTN25-l1tc NOT THE USUAL .RENTED HMUSÉ! 1Studio living room, 3 lied., 2 b., car- peting, stove and ice-liox. Located on quiet street but convenient. to- both grade and* high echools, the lakte and trand- portation. We shahli e glad to, show It to you. Price reasonable. Cal SEARS REAL ESTATE ,121 RichmuondJIoad -KenilworUl 5SS rs. Fuller ElIni Street nnetka 3603 4 te *- id 193I3 Oldsmobile sedan .$295 1933 Chevrolet coach...... $210 1933 Ford coupe...... $195 1932 Ford coupe . ..... $135 ~7NEW CAR~ TEL 50 y t,, 788 E -2424 U 5 rest Building MITH, AGENTS WlImette 500 1 28LTPN20-tfc -iteJ a 1030Wlette 2317 FOR' 157 Kenil home n portation. RENT KI uorth Ave ear imfri. trans- ment.